Moviment Graffitti logo

Organisations call on public to object to monstrous “Comino village” development

Environmental organisations are urging the public to oppose developers’ plans to create a complex of villas on the island of [...]

Prioritise people, not cars

This morning, three organisations – Moviment Graffitti, Friends of the Earth Malta, and Rota – put up banners over gridlock [...]

“Responsibility for stench in Birżebbuġa has to be borne by the Minister” – Second letter addressed to Minister Dalli

Għaqda Storja u Kultura Birżebbuġa and Moviment Graffitti have addressed their second letter to the Minister for the Environment, Energy [...]

Dozens of self-employed couriers discarded by Bolt for the New Year

Government’s half-baked Legal Notice failed to ban parasitic recruitment agencies Moviment Graffitti thoroughly condemns the termination of the contracts of [...]

Ensure agricultural land is valued in such a way that safeguards farmers

Eleven agricultural and environmental organisations are calling on the Prime Minister to ensure that suitable agricultural land valuation methods are [...]

Dysfunctional PN Opposition descends into Barbarism in Public Debate on Abortion

Moviment Graffitti applauds the proposed amendment by the Government to allow pregnancy termination when women’s lives and health are at [...]

Favur trasport sostenibbli għas-saħħa fiżika u mentali – Lara Calleja

Kemm professjonisti u kemm tobba Maltin ilhom issa snin twal iħambqu li Malta għandha l-agħar kwalità ta’ arja fl-Ewropa. Qegħdin [...]

Unbearable Stench in Birżebbuġa: Suspend Operations at Tuna Plant!

Għaqda Storja u Kultura Birżebbuġa and Moviment Graffitti are calling for the immediate suspension of operations at the tuna recycling [...]

Where’s the respect? There is no us without them

The Government has committed itself to building a ‘cosmopolitan Malta’. Workers from around the world have been invited to come [...]

15 organisations sound alarm on regularisation of ODZ illegalities

Planning Authority set on giving early Christmas gift to developers 15 organisations are calling on the public to immediately object [...]