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Category: Workers’ Rights & Living Income

Social wellbeing before predatory profits – Organisations present counterproposals to Government’s rent law amendments

Several organisations have presented a list of proposed changes to a Bill which seeks to remove the minimal existing safeguards [...]

Anti-social amendments to the residential leases law will reward abusive landlords and punish tenants

Seventeen organisations are very concerned with amendments to the Private Residential Leases Act put forward by Government. Whilst the organisations [...]

One Year Since the Killing of Jean Paul Sofia

A year ago today, Jean Paul Sofia was found dead under the rubble of a building in Corradino. Jean Paul [...]

Justice to the victims of the construction industry will only be served when the sector is reformed

Greed continues to rule the construction industry Exactly two months ago, the lifeless body of 20-year old Jean Paul Sofia [...]

Dozens of self-employed couriers discarded by Bolt for the New Year

Government’s half-baked Legal Notice failed to ban parasitic recruitment agencies Moviment Graffitti thoroughly condemns the termination of the contracts of [...]

Improve the Work-Life Balance Law Now

We are a number of civil society organisations representing parents, carers, workers and those working for gender equality and the [...]

Wara Loujin: Gvern li se ikompli jħaddan politika tal-mewt? – Lara Calleja

Huma u jitfgħu l-problema tas-salvataġġ tal-persuni vulnerabbli fuq il-Libja, l-Unjoni Ewropea u l-Gvern Malti, qegħdin ikomplu jbillu subgħajhom fid-demm Immaġinak [...]

Studenti Graffitti concerned about the socio-economic realities suffered by low-income families

Studenti Graffitti is concerned about the current socio-economic realities suffered by many low-income families in Malta. This comes after the [...]

“Improve the work-life balance law’”, organisations tell Parliamentary Secretary, Hon. Dr Andy Ellul

Nine organisations in support of parental rights, workers’ rights and equality between men and women have sent a letter to [...]

‘Xi drabi b’sagrifiċċju, kelli norqod mingħajr ma niekol’ – Rafel Grima

Il-ġlieda favur id-drittijiet tal-ħaddiema immigranti mhijiex faċli f’pajjiż li għaddej japprofitta minnhom qishom l-iskjavi tiegħu Nhar it-13 ta’ Lulju 2022, [...]