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Communities and organisations united in their call for planning reform ahead of Xebbajtuna! national protest

This morning, representatives of various communities and organisations addressed a Joint Press Conference outside the Planning Authority to call for urgent and radical changes in the environment and planning sectors. They encouraged the public to attend the national protest Xebbajtuna! Bidla fl-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar ISSA! on Saturday 27 May.

The representatives highlighted how several planning policies are wreaking havoc in communities around Malta and Gozo and are leading to the rapid degradation of our natural environment. They also decried the total malfunctioning of public authorities that, instead of working for the common good, are actively enabling the deterioration of our quality of life, the destruction of our national heritage and the severe loss of biodiversity, in order to appease developers.

The Joint Press Conference underlined that there is still much to be saved. We cannot afford to surrender to the forces of greed. It has been shown time and again that the people have power when they unite, organise and push for meaningful change. The Xebbajtuna! national protest will call for a change in the planning policies that are harming our country, for transparent and independent public authorities that are not controlled by politicians and business, and for a sustainable economic model that seeks the fair and efficient use of resources rather than endless economic growth.

The communities and organisations stated that the Xebbajtuna! national protest will give the people the opportunity to fight for what they deserve: a planning system that seeks the common good instead of the profits of the few.

The national protest has been called by eight organisations: Moviment Graffitti, Din l-Art Ħelwa, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, BirdLife Malta, Għawdix, Ramblers Association Malta, Nature Trust – FEE Malta and Friends of the Earth Malta. It has already been endorsed by over 70 groups, including students’, social, cultural, heritage and residents’ organisations. The full list of endorsing groups so far can be found on


Komunitajiet u għaqdiet magħqudin fis-sejħa tagħhom għal riforma fl-ippjanar qabel il-protesta nazzjonali Xebbajtuna!

Dalgħodu, rappreżentanti ta’ diversi komunitajiet u għaqdiet indirizzaw Konferenza Stampa Konġunta barra l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar biex isejħu għal bidliet radikali urġenti fis-setturi tal-ambjent u l-ippjanar. Huma ħeġġew lill-pubbliku biex jattendi l-protesta nazzjonali Xebbajtuna! Bidla fl-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar ISSA! is-Sibt 27 ta’ Mejju.

Ir-rappreżentanti spjegaw kif diversi politiki tal-ippjanar qegħdin iħarbtu komunitajiet sħaħ madwar Malta u Għawdex u qed iwasslu għal degradazzjoni kontinwa tal-ambjent naturali. Huma wkoll ikkundannaw il-fatt li l-awtoritajiet pubbliċi assolutament ma jiffunzjonawx u kif, minflok jaħdmu għall-ġid komuni, qegħdin attivament jiffaċilitaw u jaċċelleraw id-deterjorazzjoni tal-kwalità tal-ħajja tagħna, il-qerda tal-wirt nazzjonali u t-telfa tal-biodiversità, biex ipaxxu lill-iżviluppaturi.

Il-Konferenza Stampa Konġunta sostniet li għad baqa’ ħafna xi nsalvaw. Ma nistgħux inċedu għall-forzi tar-regħba. Rajna mhux darba jew tnejn li l-poplu għandu ħafna poter meta jingħaqad, jorganizza ruħu u jiġġieled għall-bidla effettiva. Il-protesta nazzjonali Xebbajtuna! se tkun qed issejjaħ għal bidla fil-politiki tal-ippjanajr li qed jagħmlu tant ħsara lill-pajjiżna, għal awtoritajiet pubbliċi indipendenti li mhumiex ikkontrollati mill-politiċi u min-negozji, u għal mudell ekonomiku sostenibbli li jkun ibbażat fuq l-użu ġust u effiċjenti tar-riżorsi minflok fuq tkabbir ekonomiku bla rażan.

Il-komunitajiet u l-għaqdiet qalu li l-protesta nazzjonali Xebbajtuna! se tagħti lill-poplu l-opportunità biex jiġġieled għal dak li ħaqqu: sistema ta’ pjanar li taħdem għall-ġid komuni u mhux għall-profitti tal-ftit.

Il-protesta nazzjonali ġiet imsejħa minn tmien għaqdiet: Moviment Graffitti, Din l-Art Ħelwa, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, BirdLife Malta, Għawdix, Ramblers Association Malta, Nature Trust – FEE Malta u Friends of the Earth Malta. Iktar minn 70 grupp diġà taw l-appoġġ tagħhom għal din il-protesta, fosthom għaqdiet ta’ studenti, gruppi soċjali, kulturali, organizzazzjonijiet ta’ residenti u tal-wirt nazzjonali. Il-lista sħiħa tal-gruppi li qegħdin jappoġġjaw il-protesta s’issa tinsab fuq

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