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Attorney General Denying Justice

In recent months and years, concerned citizens and advocates for justice have grown increasingly frustrated by the apparent disregard shown [...]

‘Pride not Apartheid’ – Activists Hold Symbolic Action During Netta Barzilai’s Performance at EuroPride

Activists held a symbolic action of solidarity with Palestine during the performance of Israeli Apartheid supporter and 2018 Eurovision Song [...]

Malta EuroPride – Organisations call for the revocation of Netta Barzilai’s invitation

Read letter in Maltese, English and Arabic here. A number of Maltese organisations wrote a letter to Hon Rebecca Buttigieg, [...]

Against All Forms of Oppression

From the very first PRIDE held in Malta in 2004, Moviment Graffitti has always participated enthusiastically in this manifestation of [...]

Blue Lagoon – ERA fails to take action against the illegal placement of deckchairs on garigue land

Moviment Graffitti expresses its disgust at the encroachment by rental deckchairs operators on garigue land close to the Blue Lagoon [...]

Organisations file Court action against Legal Notice rewarding ODZ illegalities

Seven organisations have filed a Court action against the recently introduced Legal Notice allowing the regularisation of ODZ illegalities. The [...]

Over 80 residents’ groups, student and cultural organisations endorse Saturday protest

Over 80 groups, including residents’ organisations from all over Malta and Gozo, have endorsed an upcoming protest calling for environmental [...]

Communities and organisations united in their call for planning reform ahead of Xebbajtuna! national protest

This morning, representatives of various communities and organisations addressed a Joint Press Conference outside the Planning Authority to call for [...]

Empty the Tanks

Animal Liberation Malta and Moviment Graffitti this morning held a demonstration in front of Mediterraneo Marine Park for global Empty [...]

Greed is killing our country

During a symbolic action this morning outside the Malta Developers’ Association (MDA) offices, activists highlighted how politicians, authorities and developers [...]