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[WATCH] Free the El Hiblu Three

Resisting illegal push-backs to Libya is not a crime! One year ago, a rubber boat with over 100 people on [...]

[WATCH] R/EVOLUZZJONI 25 – The Documentary

It’s 1994. A group of University students band together to form Moviment Graffitti, a leftist movement “against the oppression and [...]

Residents, Local Council and NGOs rally to save Balluta Bay

Eighty seven appellants, including the St. Julians Local Council, residents and NGOs Flimkien Għal Ambjent Aħjar, Futur Ambjent Wieħed, Green [...]

Coronavirus – Social measures needed to support workers and self-employed

Moviment Graffitti welcomes Prime Minister Robert Abela’s statement where he claimed that workers should not carry the burden of the [...]

Local Council, organisations and residents plan to appeal Balluta private ferry decision

The St. Julian’s Local Council, five organisations and over thirty residents plan to appeal the scandalous Planning Commission decision to [...]

Protesta Kontra l-Ħakma tal-Iżviluppaturi – Id-diskors ta’ Wayne Flask

Make hay while the sun shines. Il-profeta qalilna biex, sakemm ikun temp tajjeb, naħsbu fil-ħsad. Kienet ġurnata ta’ xemx meta [...]

Marċ f’Jum il-Mara – Id-diskors ta’ Angele Deguara

Għalfejn inġbarna hawn illum minflok qegħdin ingawdu l-jum tal-Ħadd?  Għalfejn naħsbu li huwa importanti li nkunu hawn? Għax nemmnu li [...]

Women’s Day March – All Different, Same Struggle

The 8th of March is dedicated to the celebration of women’s achievements. It has been and will continue to be [...]

[WATCH] Protest – Down with the Developers’ Dictatorship

Following the death of Miriam Pace in a tragedy caused by yet another act of carelessness by the development lobby, [...]

Moviment Graffitti pushes for reform in the construction sector

Moviment Graffitti has deplored the current state of the construction sector, wherein a system of shoddy practices, lack of enforcement [...]