Moviment Graffitti is angered at the sudden and unjust reduction of the Gozo Fast Ferry service, a necessary link for [...]
We are a number of civil society organisations representing parents, carers, workers and those working for gender equality and the [...]
Huma u jitfgħu l-problema tas-salvataġġ tal-persuni vulnerabbli fuq il-Libja, l-Unjoni Ewropea u l-Gvern Malti, qegħdin ikomplu jbillu subgħajhom fid-demm Immaġinak [...]
Malta is the only EU country with a total ban on abortion. This means that people who need abortions must [...]
Appeal filed against approval of ODZ pool in Marsalforn ValleyFive organisations and the Xagħra Local Council have submitted an appeal [...]
Santa Luċija residents have collected 1,065 printed and signed objections against a development by construction magnate Anton Camilleri ‘Tal-Franċiż’ that [...]
At the end of August, Loujin, a four-year old Syrian girl, boarded a wooden fishing vessel on Lebanon’s coast with [...]
Five organisations are appealing ERA’s approval of an extensive village, restaurant and retail outlet on Comino. The organisations – BirdLife [...]
Studenti Graffitti is concerned about the current socio-economic realities suffered by many low-income families in Malta. This comes after the [...]
Scores of people joined Moviment Graffitti today Saturday 13th August 2022 in the public protest ‘Kemmuna ta’ Kulħadd – Reclaim [...]