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Women’s Day March 2018 – Semma’ Leħnek

On International Women’s Day, we’ll march down Republic Street together to denounce violence against women and all forms of sexism. After the march, around 8pm, we”ll meet at Maori Bar (Valletta) for some drinks and music.

Violence against women is not decreasing in numbers and usually involves family or (ex)partners, not just a few delinquent individuals. Gender-based violence is deep-rooted, inseparable from the reality of structural gender inequality that manifests itself in social attitudes, gender roles and dominant discourses.

We see the necessity to raise our voices, keep the fight going and build new solidarity networks with all women, individuals and organisations that refuse to tolerate the fact that some husbands, partners, brothers and fathers still abuse women.

We are also aware of the difficulties that women in Malta face as mothers and workers. In a market where rent and property prices have spiralled out of control, compounded by low wages and the increasing cost of living, people like single mothers and women with abusive partners are finding it harder to build an independent living. Specific difficulties are also experienced by Trans women, facing transphobia and financial burdens, as well as by migrant women, often living precarious lives due to temporary documentation and, at times, a hostile social environment.

We have to do something now if we wish that the younger generations grow up in a better Malta, where any form of gender-based abuse will no longer form part of our lives.

We call onto all women, LGBTQI persons and all individuals who feel the need to fight gender inequality to unify on 8th March and raise their voices:
Stop Violence Against Women Now!
Stop Gender-Based Violence!

The march is being organised by Moviment Graffitti, Women’s Rights Foundation, Gender Equality Malta, Men Against Violence and Integra Foundation. It has also been endorsed by the: Department of Gender Studies, Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM), aditus Foundation, Żminijietna – Voice of the Left, Gay-Straight Alliance MCAST (GSAM) and the Association for Equality (A4E).

Everyone is invited to participate!

FULL PROGRAM – International Women’s Day

  • Thu 15th Feb at 6:30pm: SCREENING OF “IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK” at 67, Strait Street, Valletta
  • Tue 20th Feb at 6:00pm: KURDISTAN: A WOMEN’S REVOLUTION at the GWU Building, South Street, Valletta
  • Fri 23rd Feb at 6:00pm: WOMEN WHO FIGHT: FROM THE ITALIAN PARTISANS TO THE ROJAVA REVOLUTION at 67, Strait Street, Valleta
  • Sat 3rd Mar at 10:30am: TALK ON PATRIARCHY AND MISOGYNY at the Multipurpose Hall, Ministry for Education and Employment, Great Siege Road, Floriana
  • Thu 8th Mar at 5:30pm: WOMEN’S DAY MARCH in Valletta
  • Thu 8th Mar at 8:00pm: NO FIGHT WITHOUT FESTA at Maori, Triq il-Lanca, Valletta
  • Sat 10th Mar at 6:00pm: PRESENTATION ON FEMINIST STREET ART at 67, Strait Street, Valletta