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Meet the Sea Rescue NGOs

Who are these NGOs? Who funds them? Are they really in cahoots with traffickers? Do they incentivise migrants to embark on such a perilous journey? What happens when rescue NGOs are no longer allowed to operate?

Much has been said in the past few months about the sea rescue of refugees leaving Libya in their bid to reach Europe. Standoffs between Italy, Malta and other countries concerning the disembarkation of people saved at sea dominated news headlines, and we have all seen the shocking images of dead bodies washed ashore on the Libyan coasts.

Amidst all this, a spotlight was shone on the NGOs saving people from rickety boats or dinghies. Currently, many of the NGO vessels are docked in Malta and permission to leave the port is being denied by Maltese authorities.

The public will have the opportunity to ask questions to those directly involved in NGO rescue operations. Tamino Böhn from Sea Watch, Neeske Beckmann from Lifeline and Markus Groda from Sea Eye will outline their work and answer your questions this Friday 10th August.

Michael Grech, a philosophy lecturer at the University of Malta (Junior College), will moderate the session.