Wasal iż-żmien mistenni minn kulħadd! Ejjew bil-kostumi estravaganti u qattaw ftit sigħat ta’ bluha ma’ kwirs ohra.
Ingħaqdu magħna u ħudu drink jew għidu kelma bejn tnejn nhar l-18 ta’ Frar fit-8pm ġewwa Klabb Hawaj.
Dhul huwa b’xejn imma donazzjonijiet għal Dar il-Qawsalla huma dejjem apprezzati.
The time that everyone has been waiting for has finally arrived! Come in with your most extravagant costume and spend a couple of hours of craziness with a bunch of queers.
Join us for a drink or to relax on the 18th of February at 8pm at Klabb Hawaj.
Entry is for free but donations towards Dar il-Qawsalla are appreciated.