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Lassana Cisse – The 3rd Anniversary of his Murder

Next Wednesday, we will be marking the third anniversary of the murder of Lassana Cisse.

⬛ In 2019, Lassana was killed in cold blood while walking home – allegedly by two members of the Armed Forces of Malta – for the crime of being a black man.

💔 While his alleged murderers enjoy their freedom while out on bail, Lassana’s family are still unable to take his body back to his native Ivory Coast for burial due to COVID-related bureaucracy. Two other migrants injured in the same attack are also still waiting for justice.

⚫ Lassana’s brutal murder should have been a wake-up call for the Government to end once and for all its divisive rhetoric and discriminatory policies that stigmatise Africans seeking asylum for the sake of pandering to racists. Instead, three years later, the authorities are refusing to provide a safe haven to a ship carrying 106 desperate human beings, all while preparing to welcome the Pope and show off our Christian values.

⚖️ Join us in front of the Law Courts to make sure Lassana’s name, and the injustices still faced by his fellow migrants, are not forgotten.