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Forum Pubbliku – Il-Proposti Tiegħek

Qabel il-protesta tas-7 ta’ Settembru (Iż-Żejjed Kollu Żejjed – Protesta), il-forum pubbliku “Il-Proposti Tiegħek” jixtieq jiġbor u jagħti spazju lill-opinjonijiet u l-proposti taċ-ċittadini stess, speċjalment dawk marbutin mal-oqsma li huma l-qafas tas-sitt talbiet tagħna:

  1. Il-policies dwar l-Ippjanar u n-nuqqas ta’ kunsiderazzjoni lejn iċ-ċittadini;
  2. L-Awtoritajiet responsabbli mill-ambjent u l-ippjanar;
  3. Il-proġetti ta’ kostruzzjoni fuq skala kbira;
  4. It-toroq u t-trasport;
  5. Ir-regolarizzazzjoni tal-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni;
  6. Il-kwalità tal-arja u l-preżervazzjoni tal-biodiversità.

Għalhekk, se niltaqgħu ġewwa l-bini tal-Friends of the Earth (Il-Furjana, ftit bogħod mill-PA), fis-7 ta’ filgħaxija, sabiex nisimgħu dak li għandkom xi tgħidu. Se nieħdu nota tal-proposti li joħorġu mingħandkom sabiex nintegrawhom f’sett ta’ proposti raġjonevoli, u li se nippreżentaw lill-awtoritajiet wara l-protesta tas-7 ta’ Settembru.

Id-diskussjoni ser issir bil-Malti. Sadanittant, min jixtieq aktar informazzjoni jista’ jiktbilna fil-paġna tal-avveniment.

Dan l-avveniment huwa riservat għall-persuni li m’għandhomx mezz isemmgħu leħenhom tul ħames snin ta’ leġiżlatura: membri parlamentari mhumiex merħba.



“Il-Proposti Tiegħek” (Your Proposals) is a public forum that aims to open up a space for citizens to give their proposals and input on a number of issues, especially those related to the six demands of the Iż-Żejjed Kollu Żejjed – Protesta (Enough is Enough) protest of the 7th September:

  1. Planning policies and their lack of respect towards citizens;
  2. The authorities responsible for planning and the environment;
  3. Large-scale construction projects;
  4. Roads and transportation;
  5. The regularisation of the construction industry;
  6. Air quality and the preservation of biodiversity.

We’re interested in hearing your views regarding the above, and to this effect, we are holding this Public Forum at Friends of the Earth (in Floriana, close to the Planning Authority). We will be noting down your proposals which we will integrate in a set of reasonable demands, which we will present to the authorities after the protest of the 7th September.

The discussion will be held in Maltese (translators are welcome). In the meantime, those who would like more information can send a message to the event page.

This event is strictly reserved to those who have no means of making their voices heard during five years of legislature; Members of Parliament are not welcome.