While Prime Minister Robert Abela was busy congratulating himself for a ‘positive meeting’ with Moviment Graffitti activists at the height [...]
We deserve functioning authoritiesThe people saved Mosta from the authorities’ incompetence This evening, residents, members of the wider public, and [...]
NGOs welcome long-overdue measures but fear that the new proposals may threaten the right to appeal In response to the [...]
Following the Infrastructure Ministry’s denial that there are plans for a Yacht Marina in it-Toqba tal-Birgu, Moviment Graffitti is calling [...]
In collaboration, three local NGOs – Rota, Moviment Graffitti and Friends of the Earth Malta – have prepared the below [...]
Nilqgħu b’sodisfazzjon d-deċiżjoni tal-Kunsill Eżekuttiv tal-PA biex jiġi salvat ir-razzett vernakulari fiż-żona Tal-Belliegħa fir-Rabat, Għawdex. Xorta, iżda, inkomplu nisħqu li [...]
We have received multiple reports that hundreds of families living in the whereabouts of Iklin, San Ġwann, Għargħur, Swieqi, Ibraġġ, [...]
A broad coalition of NGOs and citizens are reiterating their demand to curb the excessive commercial activity at the Blue [...]
Moviment Graffitti expresses its disgust at the encroachment by rental deckchairs operators on garigue land close to the Blue Lagoon [...]
Seven organisations have filed a Court action against the recently introduced Legal Notice allowing the regularisation of ODZ illegalities. The [...]