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Category: Environmental Justice

Of local and personal plans – Wayne Flask

He’s got cheek, I’ll give him that. Transport Minister Ian Borg has, so far, been the only one to speak [...]

Moviment Graffitti objects to the take-up of 38 tumoli of arable land in Mġarr

Moviment Graffitti is currently objecting to a proposed development for a solar farm in Mġarr that has rasied serious concern [...]

Right in our backyards – Wayne Flask

I had a happy childhood. At the time, Marsascala was the picturesque, quiet fishing village featured in many postcards. There [...]

Marsaskala residents call for the definitive cancellation of yacht marina plans

Protest in Marsaskala planned for Friday at 6:30pm. As residents of Marsaskala, we demand that Transport Malta immediately withdraws the [...]

Government Inaction on Climate Change

Local organisations are criticising the inaction, irresponsibility and inconsistency in the government’s approach to climate change. Precious time has been [...]

Organisations give recommendations on Malta Low Carbon Development Strategy

Strategy fails to deliver the full extent of actions and measures required to realistically meet the overarching carbon neutrality target [...]

Appeal against DB monstrosity filed thanks to successful crowdfunding campaign

Three Local Councils, nine organisations and several Pembroke residents have filed an appeal with the Planning Tribunal (EPRT) against the [...]

Marsaskala residents write to Tourism Ministry requesting cancellation of sham ‘Design Contest’

A group of Marsaskala residents have written to Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo, expressing their concerns about the Malta Tourism Authority [...]

Investigate expropriations, Infrastructure Malta Chief

Group vows to challenge abusive system, seeking legal advice Moviment Graffitti is calling for an investigation into expropriations carried out [...]

Marsaskala residents and Moviment Graffitti take waterpolo pitch ruling to Court

Several Marsaskala residents together with Moviment Graffitti have taken to Court the Planning Tribunal’s (EPRT) ruling giving the go-ahead for [...]