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Category: Press Statements

What is May 17th?

The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia was created in 2004 to draw the attention to the violence and [...]

Undeclared plans of Cold War facility underneath St. George’s Barracks revealed – NGOs request Emergency Conservation Order

Following the Planning Authority’s approval of the db Group project in St. George’s Bay last year, three local councils, several [...]

Revised Fuel Stations Policy Is An Improvement If Loopholes Are Removed

Moviment Graffitti welcomes the long-awaited review of the Fuel Service Station Policy for public consultation. The organisation is satisfied that [...]

Iż-żieda fil-mibegħda razzjali dejjem teskala

Callus spjega li l-ewwel ħaġa li jrid ikun hemm hija d-distinzjoni bejn kliem ta’ mibegħda, li huwa diskors ta’ mibgħeda [...]

We express solidarity and deep sorrow – Joint NGO Statement on the murder of Lassine Souleymane

We are deeply saddened by news of the death of Lassine Souleymane, brutally shot in Ħal Far over the weekend. [...]

Waiting for the fuel station policy review

An online timer counting the days, hours, minutes and seconds from the Environment Minister’s promise on the 25th January 2018 [...]

Judicial protest filed calling for immediate publication of tunnel studies

Twelve organizations representing a broad spectrum of society filed a judicial protest against the Minister for Transport and the Planning [...]

ASSEDJU PA – We are currently clearing the campsite, convinced that pressure is working

Assedju PA is coming to an end this evening, with activists currently clearing the campsite convinced that the pressure on [...]

Malta will be celebrating Freedom Day whilst under the rule of speculators

While tomorrow our country will be commemorating its Freedom from British colonial rule, these celebrations will be held under the [...]

[WATCH] Direct Action – The PA is besieging Malta with massive and useless fuel stations

Moviment Graffitti has, early this morning, started a symbolic siege on the Planning Authority’s (PA) premises to denounce the authority’s [...]