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Category: Press Statements

Spazji Miftuħa – Launch of Coalition in Defence of Open Spaces

Spazji Miftuħa aims to preserve access to public open spaces    A coalition of groups has been formed in response [...]

Workers’ Day – after Covid-19, let’s build an economy based on justice

This Workers’ Day, Moviment Graffitti wants to express its gratitude towards all the workers currently working around the clock to [...]

The Government must provide information on rescue operations

We are deeply concerned that the fate of around 62 migrants in distress at sea remains shrouded in secrecy. For [...]

Moviment Graffitti welcomes revised Fuel Stations Policy

Moviment Graffitti welcomes the long overdue revision of the Fuel Stations Policy. The new policy, although not perfect, is a [...]

The nation cannot quietly celebrate Easter whilst men, women and children are drowning on our doorstep

We urgently call on the Prime Minister to ensure that all persons within Malta’s responsibility are rescued and that their [...]

Widespread opposition to DB Pembroke project must be respected

As residents of Pembroke, with the support of three Local Councils and ten organisations, we welcome the statement by Prime [...]

An immediate food and shelter initiative is needed!

We are extremely concerned at the increased number of alerts we are receiving from persons who do not have sufficient [...]

ITS-DB – A cheeky face after the disgrace

In a miserable attempt at recovering from the authentic slap in the face that is the National Audit Office (NAO) [...]

[WATCH] Free the El Hiblu Three

Resisting illegal push-backs to Libya is not a crime! One year ago, a rubber boat with over 100 people on [...]

Residents, Local Council and NGOs rally to save Balluta Bay

Eighty seven appellants, including the St. Julians Local Council, residents and NGOs Flimkien Għal Ambjent Aħjar, Futur Ambjent Wieħed, Green [...]