We are publishing the answers of candidates on the 5th district to the question about their position on the planned [...]
Labour Party, Nationalist Party and ADPD candidates from the fifth district have been asked about their position on the Wied [...]
16 organisations representing of wide spectrum of interests – from environmental organisations to girl guides, from fishermen to social and [...]
On Sunday the 6th of March, women and supporters of women’s rights will be gathering near the Tritons Fountain at [...]
Birżebbuġa residents, farmers and people keen on protecting Wied Żnuber are shocked at plans announced on February 12 for a [...]
An application (PA/02087/21) which will add 73 apartments to create a monstrous 125-unit complex in Sannat will be heard for [...]
Moviment Graffitti has filed a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the Planning Authority’s (PA) FOI Officer to demand access [...]
On the 20th of January 2022, the Marsaskala Local Council met with Minister Ian Borg on the issue of the [...]
Global Day of CommemorAction for the Dead, Missing, Persecuted and Forcefully Disappeared at Sea and at the Borders. 1,971 people died [...]
Moviment Graffitti states that the countless abuses committed by developers like Portelli are leaving a trail of destruction in Gozo [...]