A number of left-wing and socialist activists have written a letter addressed to the Prime Minister and his Cabinet in [...]
Moviment Graffitti condemns in the strongest possible terms the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the United States, which has [...]
Freedom of information must be protected at all costs Moviment Graffitti condemns without reservation the SLAPPs (strategic lawsuits against public [...]
It’s 1994. A group of University students band together to form Moviment Graffitti, a leftist movement “against the oppression and [...]
There will come a time when the dust will have to settle. There will come a time for reckoning. There [...]
In view of today’s arrest of Tumas Group’s CEO Yorgen Fenech, Moviment Graffitti reiterates its stance that Keith Schembri and [...]
Il-Moviment Graffitti twieled 25 sena ilu u l-attivisti msieħba fih m’għandhom l-ebda ħsieb li jbiddluh f’moviment politiku. L-għaqda xellugija tinsab [...]
Il-Moviment Graffitti ġie mwaqqaf fl-1994 bħala għaqda xellugija li tiġġieled kontra l-oppressjoni u l-isfruttament tan-nies, l-ambjent u l-annimali. Ħamsa u [...]
Fil-biċċa l-kbira tal-analiżi li saru dwar l-elezzjonijiet ġiet enfasizzata d-differenza f’termini ta’ distakk bejn il-partiti. Però, filwaqt li dan huwa [...]
“Since 1994 Moviment Graffitti has been a fixture on the fringe of Maltese politics. Himself a founder of the group [...]