For the second time in recent weeks, together with the Youth for Palestine we took to the streets of Valletta [...]
Palestinians in Gaza are being massacred by Israel with the complicity of Europe. Continuous bombardments led to thousands of children, [...]
Moviment Graffitti is accusing Roberta Metsola of having blood on her hands after standing by war criminals and an occupying [...]
As Israeli actions aimed at grabbing Palestinian land, making Palestinian lives miserable and murdering them on a mass-scale intensify and [...]
The scenes unfolding in Palestine and Israel are deeply distressing. We extend our heartfelt solidarity to all innocent individuals caught [...]
Read letter in Maltese, English and Arabic here. A number of Maltese organisations wrote a letter to Hon Rebecca Buttigieg, [...]
From the very first PRIDE held in Malta in 2004, Moviment Graffitti has always participated enthusiastically in this manifestation of [...]
Ma jistax ikun hemm il-paċi qabel ma jkun hemm Palestina ħielsa Inutli nsejħu għall-paċi fil-Lvant Nofsani jekk l-ewwel ma nsejħux [...]
Il-Ġimgħa u s-Sibt konna fid-daħla tal-Belt Valletta flimkien mal-komunità Palestinjana f’Malta sabiex nagħtu informazzjoni dwar is-sitwazzjoni fil-Palestina u l-hekk imsejjaħ [...]
Today outside the Turkish embassy in Malta at the Malta RiseUp4Rojava gathering, condemning the Turkish invasion of Northern Syria (Rojava) [...]