Għalfejn inġbarna hawn illum minflok qegħdin ingawdu l-jum tal-Ħadd? Għalfejn naħsbu li huwa importanti li nkunu hawn? Għax nemmnu li [...]
The 8th of March is dedicated to the celebration of women’s achievements. It has been and will continue to be [...]
We joked about it in the promo video for our R/Evoluzzjoni25 documentary: 2019 was Moviment Graffitti’s 25th year of rock’n’roll. [...]
Abortion is most certainly one of the most taboo subjects one can speak about here in Malta. There is a [...]
Voice for Choice is the first Maltese pro-choice coalition made up of civil society organisations and individuals who together want [...]
Today 8th March is International Women’s Day. More than a day to celebrate, for us it represents a day to [...]
Moviment Graffitti endorses and supports the Women’s Rights Foundation recently released position paper on sexual and reproductive health rights for [...]
It was important for us to organise a march on this day, the International Women’s Day, in solidarity with the [...]
On the 8th March – International Women’s Day – Moviment Graffitti, Women’s Rights Foundation, Gender Equality Malta – GEM, Men [...]
Moviment Graffitti is organising a series of initiatives connected to International Women’s Day 2018 aimed at bringing into focus issues [...]