Moviment Graffitti held a flash mob on Tuesday in front of the Msida Police Station to protest the unjust and [...]
Activists stuck placards calling for justice in cases of violence against women at the Home Affairs Ministry ahead of the [...]
MGRM – Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement has joined the Voice for Choice coalition, a group of organisations fighting to decriminalise [...]
The Voice for Choice Coalition is emphasising the need for scientifically accurate and objective facts, as reports suggest wholly inaccurate [...]
Moviment Graffitti applauds the proposed amendment by the Government to allow pregnancy termination when women’s lives and health are at [...]
We are a number of civil society organisations representing parents, carers, workers and those working for gender equality and the [...]
Malta is the only EU country with a total ban on abortion. This means that people who need abortions must [...]
Nine organisations in support of parental rights, workers’ rights and equality between men and women have sent a letter to [...]
Eight organisations active in support of workers’ rights, parental rights and equality between women and men, have sent a letter [...]
In a context where Malta still experiences significant inequality between men and women, where the caring burden is still placed [...]