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Konferenza Stampa – Daqshekk Bini fuq Kemmuna!

⚠️ Despite unprecedented public opposition, Hili Group shows no signs of withdrawing its plans to create a complex of villas overlooking Santa Marija Bay in Comino. Contrary to Hili’s insistence, the project will increase the number of buildings and destroy pristine garigue, as shown in the developers’ own renders.

📣 Several organisations will be gathering in front of Hili Group’s headquarters in Marsa to remind the company that this is a hugely unpopular project, with a record 13,500+ objections submitted to the Planning Authority. We also invite you to attend and express your anger at the project.

We will not accept any further take-up of land by private interests on Comino ✊

🔵 Moviment Graffitti | BirdLife Malta | Din l-Art Helwa | Flimkien Għal Ambjent Aħjar | Friends of the Earth Malta | Nature Trust – FEE Malta | Ramblers Malta