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PA Board Meeting – Do Not Bury Us Alive

The Planning Authority (PA) Board will, on Thursday 20th September, at 10am, discuss the proposed db Group development on the ITS site and decide whether to issue a permit or otherwise. The Board meeting is open to the public and it is essential that people attend in order to express their objection to this madness.

Please send an email to, clearly stating that you are reserving a place for this meeting, provide your ID Card no. and, if you are a registered objector, indicate so in your email. In the email subject include the PA application number of this development – PA/03807/17.

During the past eight months, residents, NGOs and Local Councils have jointly conducted the Do Not Bury US Alive campaign, highlighting the disastrous impact this project would have on residents and the environment.

Although we acknowledge that the time of the PA Board meeting is not ideal for many, it is important that those opposing this project are present so that they can directly relay their concerns to the Board members, who will be deciding on this project at the end of the sitting.

See you there!


Nhar il-Ħamis 20 ta’ Settembru, fl-10am, Il-Bord tal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar (PA) se jkun qed jiddiskuti l-iżvilupp propost mid-db Group fis-sit tal-ITS sabiex jiddeċiedi jekk jinħariġx il-permess. Il-laqgħa tal-Bord hija miftuħa għall-pubbliku u huwa essenzjali li n-nies ikunu preżenti sabiex jesprimu l-oġġezzjonijiet tagħhom għal din il-ġennata.

Ibgħat email fuq, fejn tgħid li trid tirriserva post għal din il-laqgħa, agħti n-numru tal-Karta tal-Identità u jekk inti registered objector, indika dan fl-email tiegħek. Fis-suġġett tal-email inkludi n-numru tal-applikazzjoni mal-PA ta’ dan l-iżvilupp – PA/03807/17.

Tul dawn l-aħħar tmien xhur, residenti, NGOs u Kunsilli Lokali ingħaqdu flimkien fil-kampanja Tidfnuniex Ħajjin, fejn urew l-impatt diżastruż fuq ir-residenti u l-ambjent li jkollu dan il-proġett jekk isir.

Filwaqt li nirrikonoxxu li l-ħin tal-laqgħa tal-Bord tal-PA mhux ideali għal ħafna nies, huwa importanti li dawk li qed jopponu il-proġett ikunu preżenti biex hekk ikunu jistgħu jitkellmu dwar it-tħassib tagħhom direttament mal-membri tal-Bord, li se jkunu qed jiddeċiedu dwar il-proġett fi tmiem din il-laqgħa.

Narawkom hemm!