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BBQ For Victory

The Courts of Law have sensationally declared that the PA permit for Silvio Debono’s monster is “null and void”.

We know the fight doesn’t stop here, but we do have a reason to celebrate this historic courtroom victory. This wouldn’t have been possible without the efforts of the residents who have given a very important contribution to this long and difficult campaign: from those who attended protests and meetings, to those who prepared the banners, sent their objections to the PA and participated in any way, including legal assistance.

We would like to invite you, together with your families, to join us in the a BBQ tar-Rebħa (BBQ for Victory) in Pembroke, this Friday, at Martin Luther King. Join us for a breath of fresh air as we celebrate this huge and significant victory that could have only happened thanks to the efforts and determination of residents, associations and Local Councils.

Moviment Graffitti will provide music and charcoal BBQ sets. Bring your own food and drinks.

See you this Friday in Pembroke, from 6.30 onwards!



Il-Qorti għadha kif iddikjarat li l-permess għall-mostru ta’ Silvio Debono huwa “null u bla effett.”

Filwaqt li nafu li l-ġlieda ma tispiċċax hawn, għandna tassew għalxiex niċċelebraw din ir-rebħa storika. Dan kollu ma kienx iseħħ mingħajr l-isforzi tagħkom ir-residenti li tajtu kontribut siewi ħafna għal din il-kampanja twila u diffiċli: minn dawk li ġew għall-protesti u l-laqgħat, għal dawk li pinġew il-banners, oġġezzjonaw mal-PA u taw id-donazzjonijiet tagħhom, u pparteċipaw bi kwalunkwe mod ieħor inkluża għajnuna legali.

Nistiednukom, flimkien mal-familji tagħkom, tingħaqdu magħna f’BBQ tar-Rebħa f’Pembroke, nhar il-Ġimgħa, ġewwa Martin Luther King. Ejjew nieħdu ftit arja, u niċċelebraw rebħa enormi u sinifikanti li setgħet issir biss bis-saħħa u d-determinazzjoni tagħkom residenti, għaqdiet u Kunsilli Lokali.

Il-Moviment Graffitti se jipprovdi l-mużika u s-settijiet tal-barbecue biċ-charcoal. Ġibu magħkom l-ikel u x-xorb tagħkom.

Narawkom Pembroke, nibdew fis-6.30pm!