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“Object to sham sheep farm”, Moviment Graffitti urges public

Moviment Graffitti has formally objected with the Planning Authority to application PA/5895/22 which seeks to officially transform the sham sheep farm in Bidnija into a hotel. The public is encouraged to submit its objection with the PA, either by sending an email to or by following this link, until 4 November. Moviment Graffitti’s objection can be viewed here.

This new, outrageous application has laid bare the real intentions behind the already-approved application PA/07946/18, which led to the construction of a massive two-storey structure, fitted with a pool and a reception area, in ODZ, under the pretext of a sheep farm. It has always been crystal clear that this building was not intended for its stated use and that it was approved through a series of deceit, lies and malpractice. The most recent application submitted by architect and businessman Mr Konrad Bezzina wants to change the layout and use of the fake farm so that it officially becomes a retail outlet with guest rooms.

In its objection, Moviment Graffitti not only highlighted the numerous planning policies breached by this application and the harm it will cause to the ecologically-sensitive Wied tal-Ħżejjen, but also called for the immediate demolition of this structure and for the site to be returned to its natural state at the developer’s expense. Last week, Moviment Graffitti called for the investigation and prosecution for environmental crimes of all those involved in the issuing of the first permit.

Over the past three years, the people were revulsed at the sight of a massive structure rising in the middle of an untouched valley; a symbol of the abject failure of our planning system. Now, the public has the opportunity to send their disgust, directly and formally, to the PA by objecting to this new application.

The fight against this obscenity will continue.


“Oġġezzjonaw għar-razzett tan-nagħaġ finta” il-Moviment Graffitti jħeġġeġ lill-pubbliku

Il-Moviment Graffitti oġġezzjona formalment mal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar għall-applikazzjoni PA/5895/22 li trid tbiddel uffiċjalment ir-razzett tan-nagħaġ finta fil-Bidnija f’lukanda. Il-pubbliku huwa mħeġġeġ jissottometti l-oġġezzjoni tiegħu mal-PA billi jibgħat email fuq, jew billi jsegwi din il-ħolqa, sal-4 ta’ Novembru. Tista’ tara l-oġġezzjoni tal-Moviment Graffitti hawnhekk.

Din l-applikazzjoni ġdida u skandaluża kixfet l-intenzjonijiet reali wara l-applikazzjoni diġà approvata PA/07946/18, li wasslet għall-bini ta’ struttura massiva ta’ żewġ sulari, mgħammra b’pixxina u reception area, f’ODZ, bl-iskuża ta’ razzett tan-nagħaġ. Minn dejjem kien ċar kristall li dan il-bini ma kienx maħsub għall-użu ddikjarat tiegħu u li ġie approvat permezz ta’ sensiela ta’ qerq, gideb u prattika ħażina. L-aktar applikazzjoni riċenti mressqa mill-perit u negozjant is-Sur Konrad Bezzina trid tibdel it-tqassim u l-użu tar-razzett falz biex dan isir uffiċjalment ħanut b’guest rooms.

Fl-oġġezzjoni tiegħu, il-Moviment Graffitti mhux biss enfasizza n-numru kbir ta’ politiki tal-ppjanar miksura b’din l-applikazzjoni u l-ħsara li se tikkawża lill-Wied tal-Ħżejjen, wied li huwa ekoloġikament sensittiv, iżda appella wkoll biex din l-istruttura titwaqqa’ minnufih u biex is-sit jiġi rritornat għall-istat naturali tiegħu għas-spejjeż tal-iżviluppatur. Il-ġimgħa li għaddiet, il-Moviment Graffitti sejjaħ għall-investigazzjoni u l-prosekuzzjoni għal reati ambjentali mwettqa minn dawk kollha involuti fil-ħruġ tal-ewwel permess.

Matul dawn l-aħħar tliet snin, in-nies kienu diżgustati jaraw struttura massiva tiela’ f’nofs wied mhux mittiefes; simbolu tal-falliment assolut tas-sistema tal-ippjanar tagħna. Issa, il-pubbliku għandu l-opportunità li jibgħat id-diżgust tiegħu, direttament u formalment, lill-PA billi joġġezzjona għal din l-applikazzjoni l-ġdida.

Il-ġlieda kontra din l-oxxenità se tkompli.

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