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Moviment Graffitti condemns the destruction of more arable land and the uglification of Gozo due to unscrupulous development

Activist group concerned over the unprecedented rate of development that is threatening Gozo

Moviment Graffitti condemns the proposal for the construction of 71 apartments over four storeys, 74 garages on two basement levels, and a communal pool in Nadur, Gozo (PA/00085/21). The development, in Triq il-Qortin, is part of the 2006 rationalisation exercise, and it partly falls outside the development zone. The proposed development is significantly out-of-proportion with the other buildings in the area and jars considerably with the surroundings. If given the green light by the authorities, such a huge building would no doubt lead to the overnight transformation of this quiet countryside road. It is clear that this development threatens to further destroy the rural character of what was once an idyllic Gozitan village, resulting in a negative impact on the life of residents. To add further insult to injury, it will also destroy arable land that is still worked by local farmers, who will see their livelihoods destroyed and their land replaced by another ghastly, uninspiring block of apartments.

Such a monstrosity in the quaint village of Nadur, will be a huge eyesore, not only in terms of size but also because the design does not blend with the surroundings. It would be covering a large stretch of arable land, creating a number of problems for the residents and for the farmers who work this land. The apartment complex would result in a sudden influx of people and a substantial increase in noise pollution, traffic and demand for parking spaces in a narrow street where parking is already a problem. The development will also restrict access to the Natura 2000 site, il-Qortin, situated at the end of the street. Furthermore, this huge development will increase the existing sewage problem since the street is not connected to a sewer system, resulting in a large increase of sewage going to the water table which will be highly detrimental to the remaining arable land.

Moviment Graffitti urges the Planning Authority to reject this development which will not only contribute significantly to the continued uglification of Gozo, but will also have a very negative impact on the quality of life of the families who live in this tranquil locality and who will have to bear the brunt of yet another huge development in the middle of a rural area. Residents have come up in arms against this proposed development and are urging the public to support them in their fight. Gozitan and Maltese citizens alike have had enough of seeing more agricultural land brutalized at the hands of unscrupulous land speculators and gobbled-up by tarmac and hideous blocks of apartments which give nothing back to the community.

Moviment Graffitti strongly supports these residents and invites other residents to follow their example and join the fight against the assault on Gozo.


Il-Moviment Graffitti jikkundanna l-qerda ta’ aktar art agrikola u l-iżvilupp bla rażan li qed ikerrah lill-Għawdex

L-attivisti mħassbin dwar ir-rata ta’ żvilupp bla preċedent li qed thedded lil Għawdex

Il-Moviment Graffitti jikkundanna l-applikazzjoni għall-bini ta’ 71 apparament fuq erba’ sulari, 74 garaxx fuq żewġ livelli sotterranji, u pixxina komunali fin-Nadur, Għawdex (PA/00085/21). L-iżilupp li qed jiġi propost fi Triq il-Qortin qed jiġi ffaċilitat mill-eżerċizzju ta’ razzjonalizzazzjoni li kien sar fl-2006, u parti minnu tinsab ’il barra miż-żona demarkata fejn hu permissibbli li jsir l-iżvilupp (ODZ). L-iżvilupp li qed jiġi propost huwa sproporzjonat b’mod esaġerat mal-binjiet l-oħra u jistona ħafna mal-madwar. Jekk tiġi approvata mill-awtoritajiet, binja daqstant kbira bla dubju se twassal biex din it-triq kwieta fil-kampanja tiġi ttrasformata mil-lejl għal nhar. Huwa ċar li dan l-iżvilupp qed jhedded li jkompli jeqred il-karattru rurali ta’ raħal Għawdxi li xi darba kien jista’ jissejjaħ raħal idilliku. Barra minn hekk, se jkun qed jeqred ukoll medda ta’ art agrikola li għadha tinħadem mill-bdiewa lokali, li se jispiċċaw biex jitilfu l-għajxien tagħhom u jaraw blokk ieħor konkrit minflok l-art li ilhom jaħdmu għal ġenerazzjonijiet sħaħ.

Mostrożità bħal din fir-raħal kwiet tan-Nadur se tkun qed tkerrah l-ambjent, mhux biss minħabba d-daqs sproporzjonat tal-binja iżda għax id-disinn tal-binja jistona ħafna mal-madwar. Il-blokk ta’ appartamenti se jkun qed jibla’ medda mdaqqsa ta’ art tar-raba’, u joħloq għadd ta’ probemi għar-residenti u għall-bdiewa li jaħdmu din l-art. Il-kumpless ta’ appartamenti se jwassal ukoll għal influss f’daqqa ta’ nies u żieda sostanzjali fl-istorbju, traffiku u bżonn ta’ spazji tal-parkeġġ fi triq pjuttost dejqa fejn il-parkeġġ diġà huwa problema. L-iżvilupp se jkun ukoll qed jirrestrinġi l-aċċess għall-Qortin, sit ta’ Natura 2000, li jinsab fit-tarf tat-triq. Barra minn hekk, dan l-iżvilupp enormi se jaggrava l-problema tad-drenaġġ peress li t-triq mhijiex imqabbda ma’ sistema tad-drenaġġ, u dan se jirriżulta f’ħafna aktar drenaġġ li se jispiċċa jmur fis-saff tal-ilma taħt l-art (water table), bi ħsara kbira għall-art agrikola.

Il-Moviment Graffitti jappella lill-Awtorita tal-Ippjanar biex tirrifjuta dan l-iżvilupp, li minbarra li se jikkontribwixxi biex ikompli jkerrah lil Għawdex, se jkollu wkoll impatt negattiv ħafna fuq il-kwalità tal-ħajja tal-familji li jgħixu f’din il-lokalità trankwilla u li se jkollhom isofru l-konsegwenzi ta’ żvilupp enormi ieħor f’nofs żona rurali. Ir-residenti qamu bi ħgarhom kontra dan l-iżvilupp u qed jitolbu lill-pubbliku biex jappoġġjahom f’din il-ġlieda. Residenti kemm Għawdxin kif ukoll Maltin xebgħu jaraw art agrikola tiġi mbiċċra minħabba r-regħba ta’ spekulatori bla skrupli biex minflokha jaraw meded ta’ tarmac u xi blokk ieħor tal-konkrit li ma jsarraf fl-ebda benefiċċju għall-komunità.

Il-Movimenti Graffitti jappoġġja bis-sħiħ lil dawn ir-residenti u jistieden lil residenti oħra biex isegwu l-eżempju tagħhom u jingħaqdu fil-ġlieda kontra l-attakk fuq Għawdex.

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