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Wayne Flask on courtroom victory against DB Group

“Huwa aktar minn pass pożittiv; din hija rebħa kbira għar-residenti ta’ Pembroke, Swieqi, San Ġiljan u żoni fil-qrib li ġġieldu anke huma flimkien magħna u NGOs oħrajn, Dr Bonello u l-Perit Cassar, kontra proġett li huwa frankament mostruż li se jidfen raħal sħiħ taħtu, fid-dlam, għal ħafna sigħat tal-ġurnata. Anke hawnhekk, ir-residenti wrew li meta jingħaqdu flimkien mingħajr il-kappa ta’ partit politiku jew ieħor jistgħu jiksbu affarijiet kbar.”


“It is more than a positive development. It is a big victory for the residents of Pembroke, St Julians, Swieqi and neighbouring areas who also fought this development alongside us, other NGOs, Dr Bonello and Perit Cassar. This development is an oversized monster that will bury Pembroke in darkness for most of the day. People have shown that when they unite together and leave out partisan politics, they can go on to achieve great things.”

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