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Thank you for your heartwarming energy during yesterday’s protest

We wanted to say thankyou this morning, but then came the news of the courtroom victory in relation to the Pembroke development to add to our list of satisfactions for these two days: further proof that united without partisan political divisions, we can achieve great things.

We thank you for your heartwarming energy during yesterday’s protest. We thank the residents for speaking out during the protest, and to all of you for being their voice.

One last favour, if you don’t mind: if you took photos or videos of the protest and would like to share them with us (and have no problem with us using them) please send us a private message on our page.

Thanks again. The fight goes on.


Xtaqna nirringrazzjawkom dalgħodu, iżda l-aħbar tajba dwar id-deċiżjoni tal-Qorti fuq il-proġett ta’ Pembroke kompliet iżżid mas-sodisfazzjon ta’ dawn il-jumejn. Prova oħra li magħqudin mingħajr politika partiġġjana nistgħu naslu.

L-enerġija li ġibtu magħkom ilbieraħ kienet kommwoventi, u ta’ dan nirringrazzjawkom. Grazzi lir-residenti li tkellmu tul l-avveniment u grazzi lilkom li tajtuhom leħen.

Nixtiequ favur tal-aħħar, jekk ma jimpurtax: min għandu ritratti jew videos tal-protesta u jixtieq jaqsamhom magħna (idealment, ittuna permess nużawhom), napprezzaw kieku tibagħtulna messaġġ fuq il-paġna tagħna.

Grazzi għal darb’oħra. Il-ġlieda tkompli.

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