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Moviment Graffitti condemns Mistra works meant to influence court

Moviment Graffitti is expressing its anger at the current works happening on the site of the ex-Mistra Village in Xemxija. Machinery and workers started bulldozing the area on 27 March 2023 as part of a controversial project to build a 12-storey, 744-apartment complex on Mistra ridge. However, the application in question is still currently being heard in the Court of Appeals, with the court’s verdict set to be given on 10 May.

Given that the site in question has been left abandoned and dilapidated for several years, the fact that works have started now, weeks before the final verdict on the appeal, is nothing but an arrogant move from the side of the developers to put pressure on the court, while disregarding the right of appellants to appeal a case.

Moviment Graffitti condemns this arrogant attitude and points out the fact that citizens have the right to appeal, and clearly, the obvious decision should be to halt works until the verdict of the appeal is announced. Allowing these works to start early simply makes a farce of our legal system and tips the scales in the developers favour against the rights of average citizens, when it is they who will suffer the most, putting up with years of construction, and a monstrous development that has raised countless concerns, questions, and objections.


Il-Moviment Graffitti jikkundana x-xogħlijiet tal-Mistra maħsuba biex jinfluwenzaw il-Qorti

Il-Moviment Graffitti qed jesprimi r-rabja tiegħu lejn il-xogħlijiet li hemm għaddejjin bħalissa fix-Xemxija, fuq is-sit fejn qabel kien hemm il-Mistra Village. Makkinarju u ħaddiema bdew ix-xogħol bil-buldowżer fis-27 ta’ Marzu 2023 bħala parti mill-proġett kontroversjali biex jinbena kumpless ta’ 12-il sular u 744 appartament fuq il-quċċata tal-Mistra. Madankollu, l-appell inkwistjoni għadu qed jinstema’ fil-Qorti tal-Appell u l-verdett tal-Qorti mistenni jingħata fl-10 ta’ Mejju.

Minħabba li s-sit inkwistjoni ilu abbandunat u mitluq għal diversi snin, il-fatt li issa bdew ix-xogħlijiet, ġimgħat qabel is-sentenza finali dwar l-appell, mhu xejn ħlief mossa arroganti min-naħa tal-iżviluppaturi biex issir pressjoni fuq il-Qorti filwaqt li jiġi injorat id-dritt li l-appellanti għandhom biex jappellaw il-każ.

Il-Moviment Graffitti jikkundanna din l-attitudni arroganti u jfakkar li ċ-ċittadini għandhom id-dritt għall-appell. Huwa ċar li d-deċiżjoni ovvja għandha tkun li jitwaqqfu x-xogħlijiet sakemm joħroġ il-verdett tal-appell. Li nħallu dawn ix-xogħlijiet jibdew kmieni sempliċiment jagħmel farsa mis-sistema legali tagħna, u jfisser li l-iżviluppaturi huma mogħtija iktar importanza mid-drittijiet taċ-ċittadin medju. Huwa ċ-ċittadin li se jsofri l-aktar wara snin jaffaċċja l-kostruzzjoni u żvilupp mostruż li qajjem tant tħassib, mistoqsijiet, u oġġezzjonijiet.

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