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Santa Luċija residents unite against monstrous development by Tal-Franċiż

Santa Luċija residents have collected 1,065 printed and signed objections against a development by construction magnate Anton Camilleri ‘Tal-Franċiż’ that threatens a vital green lung in the town. Additionally, so far, around 200 objections were submitted online. 

The Santa Luċija Local Council has also publicly announced itself against the mega-apartment complex and has unanimously voted against it.

This proposed complex, PA/05152/22, would include 75 garages, 5 maisonettes, 36 apartments and 7 penthouses spread over 5 floors in an area of 1,273sqm.

Due to an ageing population, the residents printed and collected over 1,000 objections in order to fight this development of an “unprecedented” scale.

“We are overwhelmed by the hard work and courage of the residents,” Moviment Graffitti said. “The collection of over 1,000 objections in a short period of time truly highlights how negative this development is and how residents can unite against a threatening development. We hope the Planning Authority will listen to this loud alarm bell from Santa Luċija residents.”

This massive project is concerning and alarming since it severely threatens the character of the town. It also will lead to more parking problems and more unnecessary construction.

The visual impact of the development will be drastic to the existing townscape’s configuration and have 2 to 3 more floors than the existing surrounding buildings. The height of the building will also mean that residents in the surrounding area will be robbed of privacy.

Those who wish to object to this development can send an email to with the subject line PA/05152/22 by Thursday 22nd September.


Ir-residenti ta’ Santa Luċija jingħaqdu kontra l-iżvilupp mostruż ta’ ‘Tal-Franċiż’

Ir-residenti ta’ Santa Luċija ġabru 1,065 oġġezzjoni – stampati u ffirmati – kontra proġett propost mill-iżviluppatur Anton Camilleri ‘Tal-Franċiż’ li jhedded parti ambjentali kruċjali tal-post. Intbagħtu wkoll madwar 200 oġġezzjoni virtwali.

Il-Kunsill Lokali ta’ Santa Luċija wkoll ħa pożizzjoni ċara kontra dan il-kumpless enormi t’appartamenti u unanimament ivvota kontrih.

Il-kumpless propost – PA/05152/22 – jiġbor fih 75 garaxx, 5 maisonettes, 36 appartament u 7 penthouses mifruxa fuq 5 sulari f’żona ta’ 1,273 metri kwadri.

“Għandna ammirazzjoni kbira għall-ħidma sfieqa u l-kuraġġ tar-residenti”, stqarr il-Moviment Graffitti. “F’qasir żmien, ġabru iktar minn 1,000 oġġezzjoni. Dan juri kemm huwa negattiv dan l-iżvilupp u s-saħħa li għandhom ir-residenti meta jingħaqdu kontra kwalunkwè żvilupp li jhedded lill-komunità tagħhom. Nittamaw biss li l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar tagħti widen lir-residenti qalbiena ta’ Santa Luċija.”

Ir-residenti anzjani xtaqu joġġezzjonaw kontra l-proġett bil-kitba u ffirimaw għalhekk 1, 000 oġġezzjoni sabiex huma wkoll ikunu jistgħu jikkontribwixxu fil-ġlieda kontra dan l-iżvilupp bla preċedent.

Il-proġett inkwetanti u allarmanti u l-kobor tiegħu jhedded il-karattru tal-post u ser iwassal għal aktar problemi ta’ parkeġġ u kostruzzjoni bla bżonn.

L-iżvilupp ser ikollu impatt ikrah fuq id-dehra ta’ Santa Luċija u ser jeqred għal kollox il-pajsaġġ tal-post. Il-proġett mistenni jogħla minn żewġ sa tliet sulari aktar mill-bini attwali fil-post u b’hekk mhedda wkoll il-privatezza tar-residenti.

Dawk li jixtiequ joġġezzjonaw għal dan l-iżvilupp jistgħu jibagħtu email fuq bis-suġġett PA/05152/22 sal-Ħamis 22 ta’ Settembru.

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