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Quality of life and environment under renewed threat by revised DB plans

In view of the fresh plans filed by the DB Group, it is clear that these do not in any way address the concerns about the huge negative impact on the quality of life and the environment by the proposed project on the ex-ITS site. Changes in the revised plans include a slight reduction in the tower height but no significant changes in the massive height and width of the hotel. It is to be noted that residents’ concerns about being “buried alive” relate primarily to this monstrous hotel structure which, due to its height combined with its vast width, will overshadow the locality and throw the thousands of residents living across the road into permanent darkness. Nothing has changed in this regard.

There have also been no significant changes in the nature of the project and the activity that it will create. With the revised plans, Paceville will still invade Pembroke and Swieqi since the project will generate incessant and overwhelming commercial activity in an area that was designated by Government itself as a residential one. Moreover, such activity will create more pressure for similar commercial development in Pembroke and Swieqi in the near future.  The project also continues to pose a threat to the two adjacent Natura 2000 sites as well as the Ħarq Ħamiem Cave, both during the construction phase as well as during the operational one.

The DB project on the site of the former ITS in Pembroke has attracted widespread opposition and the greatest number of official objections ever recorded. 5,000 people objected to the first application, and 6,000 people objected to the second proposal after the Courts revoked the permit to start building. We recognise that meetings with the Pembroke Local Council have led to revised plans with more proposed open space, among other improvements, as well as a revised excavation plan. However, the project as proposed in these revised plans remains totally out of proportion and out of context, and the people will continue fighting against this threat to their quality of life and the environment.

The public has until 26 June to object to the Planning Authority against the DB revised plans. In the coming days, we will be filing our objection and informing the public on how it can object to this monstrous and damaging project. 

Local Councils

1. Pembroke Local Council

2. St. Julian’s Local Council

3. Swieqi Local Council


4. Bicycle Advocacy Group

5. BirdLife Malta

6. Din l-Art Ħelwa

7. Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar

8. Friends of the Earth Malta

9. Isles of the Left

10. Moviment Graffitti 

11. Nature Trust Malta

12. The Archaeological Society of Malta

13. Żminijietna – Voice of the Left


Il-kwalità tal-ħajja u l-ambjent mhedda mill-ġdid mill-pjanti riveduti tad-DB

Fid-dawl tal-pjanti l-ġodda li ġew sottomessi mid-DB Group, huwa ċar li dawn bl-ebda mod ma jindirizzaw it-tħassib dwar l-impatt negattiv enormi li dan il-proġett propost fuq is-sit fejn qabel kien hemm l-ITS se jħalli fuq il-kwalità tal-ħajja u l-ambjent. Il-bidliet li hemm fil-pjanti riveduti jinkludu tnaqqis żgħir fl-għoli tat-torri imma ebda bidliet sinifikanti fil-wisa’ u l-għoli massiċċ tal-lukanda. Ta’ min jinnota li t-tħassib tar-residenti dwar li se jkunu “midfunin ħajjin” jikkonċerna l-aktar din l-istruttura mostruża tal-lukanda li, minħabba l-għoli kkumbinat mal-wisa’ enormi tagħha, se tkun qed tidfen lill-lokalità u se twassal biex l-eluf ta’ residenti li jgħixu quddiemha jispiċċaw f’dalma permanenti. Xejn ma nbidel f’dan ir-rigward.

Lanqas m’hemm bidliet sinifikanti fin-natura tal-proġett u fl-attività li se jkun qiegħed joħloq. Bil-pjanti riveduti, Paceville xorta se jkun qed jinvadi lil Pembroke u s-Swieqi peress li l-proġett se jiġġenera attività kummerċjali kbira u bla waqfien f’żona li kienet iddisinjata mill-Gvern għall-skopijiet residenzjali. Barra minn hekk, din l-attività se toħloq iktar pressjoni għal żvilupp kummerċjali simili f’Pembroke u s-Swieqi fil-futur qarib.  Il-proġett se jkompli wkoll ikun ta’ theddida għaż-żewġ siti ta’ Natura 2000 li hemm ħdejh kif ukoll għal Għar Ħarq Ħamiem, kemm waqt il-fażi tal-kostruzzjoni kif ukoll waqt li jkun qed jopera. 

Il-proġett tad-DB fuq is-sit fejn qabel kien hemm l-ITS f’Pembroke irċeva oppożizzjoni qawwija u kellu l-ikbar numru ta’ oġġezzjonijiet uffiċjali li qatt ġie rrekordjat. 5,000 persuna oġġezzjonat għall-ewwel applikazzjoni, u 6,000 persuna oġġezzjonat għat t-tieni proposta wara li l-Qorti rrevokat il-permess biex jibda l-bini. Nirrikonoxxu li l-laqgħat mal-Kunsill Lokali ta’ Pembroke wasslu għal pjanti riveduti b’iktar spazji miftuħa proposti, fost titjib ieħor, u għal pjan għall-iskavar rivedut. Iżda l-proġett hekk kif propost f’dawn il-pjanti riveduti jibqa’ totalment sproporzjonat u barra mill-kuntest, u n-nies se jibqgħu jiġġieldu kontra din it-theddida għall-kwalità tal-ħajja u l-ambjent.

Il-pubbliku għandu sas-26 ta’ Ġunju biex joġġezzjona mal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar kontra l-pjanti riveduti tad-DB. Fil-jiem li ġejjin, aħna se nirreġistraw l-oġġezzjoni tagħna u se ninfurmaw lill-pubbliku dwar kif jista’ joġġezzjona kontra dan il-proġett mostruż u ta’ dannu kbir. 

Kunsilli Lokali

1. Kunsill Lokali ta’ Pembroke

2. Kunsill Lokali tas-Swieqi

3. Kunsill Lokali ta’ San Ġiljan


4. Bicycle Advocacy Group

5. BirdLife Malta

6. Din l-Art Ħelwa

7. Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar

8. Friends of the Earth Malta

9. Isles of the Left

10. Moviment Graffitti 

11. Nature Trust Malta

12. The Archaeological Society of Malta

13. Żminijietna – Voice of the Left

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