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Residents, Local Council and NGOs rally to save Balluta Bay

Eighty seven appellants, including the St. Julians Local Council, residents and NGOs Flimkien Għal Ambjent Aħjar, Futur Ambjent Wieħed, Green House and Moviment Graffitti rallied together to appeal the Planning Authority decision to allow Balluta Bay to become a port for Captain Morgan and other private ferries.

“This is a difficult time for the country,” said a spokesperson, “but we are steadfast in our commitment to save Balluta Bay from becoming another port. This is an official bathing zone and indeed one of the few remaining bays where the public can swim, kayak, dive and enjoy the bay for free. A massive catamaran entering and leaving the bay 21 times a day will put an end to this, rendering the area unsafe.

The applicant can easily propose the relocation of the jetty to a safe location which is not a bathing area. Why does the public always have to give up its open space? We will fight on so that the public can still have its bay to enjoy.”


Residenti, Kunsill Lokali u Għaqdiet jingħaqdu biex isalvaw il-Bajja tal-Balluta

Sebgħa u tmenin appellant, inkluż il-Kunsill Lokali ta’ San Ġiljan, residenti u l-għaqdiet Flimkien Għal Ambjent Aħjar, Futur Ambjent Wieħed, Green House u Moviment Graffitti ingħaqdu flimkien biex jappellaw id-deċiżjoni tal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar biex il-Bajja tal-Balluta titħalla tinbidel f’port għas-servizz tal-Captain Morgan u ta’ katamarani privati oħra. 

“Dan huwa żmien diffiċli għal pajjiżna”, qal kelliem f’isem l-appellanti, “imma aħna sodi fl-impenn tagħna biex insalvaw il-Bajja tal-Balluta milli ssir port ieħor. Din hija żona uffiċjalment għall-għawm u tabilħaqq waħda mill-ftit bajjiet li baqa’ fejn il-pubbliku jista’ jgħum, jogħdos, jirkeb il-kajak u jgawdi l-bajja mingħajr ħlas. B’katamaran enormi dieħel u ħiereġ mill-bajja 21 darba kuljum dan kollu jkollu jieqaf, għax il-bajja se ssir perikoluża.

L-applikant jista’ faċilment jipproponi biex il-moll ikun rilokat f’post ieħor fejn ma jsirx għawm. Għalfejn dejjem irid ikun il-pubbliku li jċedi l-ispazji pubbliċi miftuħa? Aħna se nibqgħu niġġieldu biex il-pubbliku jibqa’ jgawdi din il-bajja”. 

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