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Pembroke residents meet with President of Malta to outline concerns about ITS project

Pembroke residents outlined their grave concerns about the proposed db Group project on the ITS site during a meeting with the President of the Republic of Malta H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca.


The residents explained that this massive structure, which will include a 37-storey tower and a 19-storey hotel, would be situated only a few metres away from the homes of about 260 families living in social housing units. Such monstrous development will not only cover the sun almost permanently for the residents living in these apartments, but it will also inflict permanent damage on their physical and mental health, especially on that of children, during the construction phase of the project that will take years to complete and that will generate incessant air and noise pollution. The developer wants to install a concrete-making plant (batching-plant) next to the residents’ homes, something that is extremely hazardous to the people’s health, especially to the respiratory system.


The residents emphasized that all development should take into account the social wellbeing, children’s rights and the rights of future generations. They currently feel that their community is under siege from construction projects and unsustainable commercialisation.


Pembroke residents thanked the President for her time and for attentively listening to and understanding their concerns. Residents had also held three separate meetings with all MPs elected from the 9th and 10th districts in order to outline the impacts of the proposed db Group project that would bury them alive.


Ir-residenti ta’ Pembroke jiltaqgħu mal-President ta’ Malta sabiex jesprimu t-tħassib tagħhom dwar il-proġett tal-ITS

Ir-residenti ta’ Pembroke esprimew it-tħassib serju tagħhom dwar il-proġett tad-db Group propost fuq is-sit tal-ITS waqt laqgħa mal-President tar-Repubblika ta’ Malta, l-E.T. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca.


Ir-residenti spjegaw li din l-istruttura massiva, li tinkludi torri ta’ 37 sular u lukanda ta’ 19-il sular, se tinbena ftit metri biss ‘il bogħod mill-appartamenti ta’ madwar 260 familja li jgħixu f’akkomodazzjoni soċjali. Żvilupp mostruż bħal dan mhux biss se jgħatti x-xemx b’mod kważi permanenti għar-residenti li jgħixu f’dawn l-appartamenti, iżda se jikkawża wkoll ħsara permanenti lis-saħħa fiżika u mentali tagħhom, speċjalment fuq dik tat-tfal, matul il-fażi tal-kostruzzjoni tal-proġett li se tieħu s-snin u li se tiġġenera tniġġis tal-arja u storbju ma jaqta’ xejn. L-iżviluppatur irid iqiegħed impjant li jipproduċi l-konkrit (batching-plant) ħdejn id-djar tar-residenti, ħaġa li hija verament perikoluża għas-saħħa tan-nies, speċjalment għas-sistema respiratorja.

Ir-residenti enfasizzaw li l-iżvilupp kollu għandu jqis il-benessri soċjali, id-drittijiet tat-tfal u d-drittijiet tal-ġenerazzjonijiet futuri. Bħalissa jħossu li l-komunità tagħhom tinsab taħt assedju minn proġetti ta’ kostruzzjoni u kummerċjalizzazzjoni mhux sostenibbli.


Ir-residenti ta’ Pembroke rringrazzjaw lill-President tal-ħin tagħha u talli semgħet b’attenzjoni u fehmet it-tħassib tagħhom. F’dawn l-aħħar jiem, ir-residenti għamlu wkoll tliet laqgħat separati mad-deputati eletti kollha mid-disa’ u l-għaxar distrett sabiex jiddeskrivu l-impatti negattivi ħafna tal-proġett propost mid-db Group li jekk isir se jidfinhom ħajjin.


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