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Studenti Graffitti Goes Tipsy Tombla

The Anvil Pub Triq L. Apap, St Julians, Malta

 Join us for a fun night of laughing, drinking and Tombla at the Anvil Pub!  Every line gets a free shot and every house gets a free drink, and some merch can also be won! Don’t forget to meet us at Freshers’ Week for a chance to win a free drink!  Sign up via this […]


Press Conference – Stop the Abuse, Close Mediterraneo Marine Park

Veterinary and Phytosanitary Regulation Division (VRD) VFHX+553, Marsa, Malta

 Join us outside of the Veterinary and Phytosanitary Regulation Division at 10:30am on Saturday, the 22nd of October, in a press conference where we will be demanding the closure and the revoking of the license of the Mediterraneo Marine Park, in order to end the capturing, training and mistreatment of dolphins, which ultimately led to […]


Intersex – Documentary Screening

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

For Intersex Awareness Day, we will be having a special screening of Régine Abadia's documentary 'Intersex'. Trailer: 'Ever since Vincent Guillot found out, late in his adult life, a word that could define him – intersex -, he has tried to connect with others like him to understand his own nature. Among them, Ins A […]


Żfin Halloween – Rebels Hit the Dancefloor

Maori Bar Boat Street, Valletta, Malta

 Join us on Sunday 30th October at 6pm for some fright night fun at Maori, Valletta  Spook my dance up  DJs Martina and Lara will be playing some funky tunes for the spooky season. What kind of music could you expect? The kind that sets you right in the mood for a happy Halloween dance. […]


Press Conference – NO to Stivala’s Hotel in Sliema

Parisio Street Triq Parisio, Sliema, Malta

 Next Monday 14 November we are inviting the public to join residents of Sliema and Gżira, and environmental organisations in a press conference denouncing the obscenity of a planning application for an 11-storey hotel in a residential area of Gżira and Sliema bordering the iconic Villa Bonici gardens. To add to the insult, the PA […]


Film Screening – Pride

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 Join Studenti Graffitti and MGRM Youths for a Film Night at the Moviment Graffitti premises on Friday 18th November. Doors open at 6pm while the film starts at 6.30pm. The film will be screened with English subtitles and there will be an intermission.  We will be screening the film 'Pride' (2014), based on the true […]


Protesta – Park tal-Moħqrija, Battlu t-Tankijiet!

Mediterraneo Marine Park WFQ5+M2, Tul il-Kosta, Naxxar, Malta

 We invite you to join us in protest against the Mediterraneo Marine Park on Saturday 19 November 2022 at 10:30am to demand the revocation of the Park’s licence and its permanent closure in order to end our country’s role in the capture, training, and mistreatment of dolphins and other marine mammals.  We will hold a […]


Min se Jwieġeb għal Dawn il-Femiċidji?

Police Headquarters St. Calcedonius Square, Floriana, Malta

 Nhar il-Ġimgħa, 25 ta’ Novembru, huwa l-Jum Internazzjonali għall-Eliminazzjoni tal-Vjolenza fuq in-Nisa.  Dan se jkun ftit jiem biss wara li mara oħra sfat maqtula brutalment, allegatament mill-ex sieħeb tagħha, qrib il-post fejn kienet taħdem.  Nhar il-Ġimgħa se niltaqgħu quddiem il-Kwartieri Ġenerali tal-Pulizija, il-Furjana, nimxu lejn il-Funtana tat-Tritoni, nidħlu Triq ir-Repubblika u nispiċċaw quddiem il-Qorti.  Se […]


Fit-Triq Bla Biza’ – Reclaim the Night

Love Monument Spinola Bay, St Julians, Malta

 Every year, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, we come together to raise awareness on the violence which women experience in its many physical, sexual and psychological forms.  This violence encompasses street harassment, cyber harassment, psychological abuse, unwanted sexual advances, rape, femicide, human trafficking, child marriage and female genital mutilation. […]


Mixja l-Miżieb

Simar Nature Reserve Triq il-Pwales, Xemxija, St Paul's Bay, Malta

 Il-Qorti tal-Appell ħassret il-ftehim sigriet li bih il-Miżieb u l-Aħrax tal-Mellieħa ngħataw mill-Gvern lill-FKNK. Ser niċċelebraw din ir-rebħa, u napprezzaw dawn l-ispazji li reġgħu lura għand il-poplu, permezz ta’ mixja ġewwa l-Miżieb nhar is-Sibt 3 ta' Diċembru fid-9.30.  Nitilqu mir-Riserva tas-Simar ix-Xemxija. Wara mixja qasira ġol-Miżieb, il-pubbliku jista’ jibqa’ għal piknik fuq il-post. L-awtoritajiet ippruvaw […]


Even Rebels Can Dance – Christmas Edition

Maori Bar Boat Street, Valletta, Malta

 Grab a friend (and a drink!) as we’re ringing in the festive season with another edition of Even Rebels Can Dance!  Join us at Maori on December 12 as we dance all night and get into the holiday spirit.  Doors open at 8pm. Entrance is free!


FgajTUNA! – Protesta Kontra l-Intejjen tat-Tonn

Misraħ il-Knisja, Birżebbuġa Birżebbuġa Parish Church, Birżebbuġa, Malta

 Għexieren ta’ residenti li pparteċipaw fil-laqgħa dwar l-intejjen tat-tonn f’Birżebbuġa wrew l-għadab sħiħ tagħhom lejn is-sitwazzjoni li nħolqot mill-impjant tar-riċiklaġġ tal-fdaljiet tal-ħut u ddeċidew li joħorġu jipprotestaw.  Għalhekk, nhar is-Sibt 17 ta’ Diċembru fl-10am, ir-residenti ta’ Birżebbuġa, bl-appoġġ tal-Għaqda Storja u Kultura Birżebbuġa u l-Moviment Graffitti, qed jistiednu lill-pubbliku jingħaqad magħhom fi protesta li ser […]
