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Maternity, Paternity, and Parental Leave in Malta – Panel Discussion

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

Maternity, paternity and parental leave in Malta: Where are we and where do we want to go? Moviment Graffitti is organising a panel discussion about the current situation regarding maternity, paternity and parental leave. What are they at the moment? Are they adequate? What are the difficulties faced by parents with newborns and young children? […]


Even REBELS Can Dance – Vol. 2

Maori Bar Boat Street, Valletta, Malta

 Even Rebels Can Dance #1 was a blast so we decided to kick those beats off once again next 28th of June - the eve of a Public Holiday.  Ver. 2 will be held in collaboration with MGRM and will commemorate 53 years from the Stonewall riots.  The event will see fine tunes, lovely people […]


Kemmuna ta’ Kulħadd – Nieħdu Lura l-Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon Beach Comino Land Charters Malta, Comino, Malta

 Nistednukom tingħaqdu magħna s-Sibt 13 t'Awwissu għal vjaġġ sa Kemmuna, fejn għal darb’oħra se neħilsu lill-Blue Lagoon mill-interessi kummerċjali u neżerċitaw id-dritt tagħna li ngawdu dan il-ġmiel ta’ post.  Se nkunu qegħdin nivjaġġaw għall-Blue Lagoon permezz ta’ dgħajjes li krejna apposta li se jitilqu miċ-Ċirkewwa, Malta, u mill-Imġarr, Għawdex fit-8 ta’ filgħodu.  Biex tibbukkja post […]


Queeraoke and Dance!

Klabb Ħawaj Klabb Ħawaj, Triq in-Naxxar, San Ġwann, Malta

Pride week AND eve of a public holiday? Perfect opportunity to sing like no ones listening and dance like there's no tomorrow!  Crush Velvet will be hosting AND judging the Queeraoke, where the most entertaining will win some queertastic merch. (Mics are on from 10:30pm - 11:30pm)  Free courage shot for those who dare to […]


Safe Space Before Pride March

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 As in previous years, Moviment Graffitti will be participating in the Pride March on Saturday, 10th September at 5.00 p.m. Before the March, Moviment Graffitti will be opening its premises to provide a safe space for anyone who would like to come and have a drink with us or to prepare for the March.  Those […]


Studenti Graffitti at the KSU Freshers’ Week 2022

University of Malta L-Università ta' Malta, Msida, Malta

 Studenti Graffitti will be present at The KSU Freshers’ Week 2022 on Monday the 3rd and Wednesday 5th of October between 9 a.m. and 3.30 p.m.  We invite you to visit our stand if you are interested in joining an organisation which is active in the community in areas such as the environment, feminism, worker’s […]


Press Conference – IMPROVE Work-Life Balance Law

Parliament Square Valletta City Gate, Valletta, Malta

Ingħaqdu magħna quddiem il-Parlament nhar it-Tnejn, 3 ta’ Ottubru fil-5.00 p.m. għal konferenza stampa fejn se nkunu qegħdin nitolbu li l-liġi dwar il-bilanċ bejn ix-xogħol u l-ħajja privata tiġi mtejba. Ktibna fit-tul dwar ir-raġunijiet għalfejn din il-liġi ma tkoprix biżżejjed il-ħtiġijiet tal-familji tagħna, inkluż ittra li bgħatna lill-MP Dr Andy Ellul (ara hawn: Fit-tweġiba tiegħu […]


Studenti Graffitti at the MCAST Freshers’ Week 2022

MCAST The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology, Paola, Malta

 Studenti Graffitti will be present at The MCAST Freshers’ Week 2022 between Monday the 10th and Wednesday 12th of October in Paola and on Thursday 13th of October in Mosta., between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m.  We invite you to visit our stand if you are interested in joining an organisation which is active in […]


Studenti Graffitti Goes Tipsy Tombla

The Anvil Pub Triq L. Apap, St Julians, Malta

 Join us for a fun night of laughing, drinking and Tombla at the Anvil Pub!  Every line gets a free shot and every house gets a free drink, and some merch can also be won! Don’t forget to meet us at Freshers’ Week for a chance to win a free drink!  Sign up via this […]


Press Conference – Stop the Abuse, Close Mediterraneo Marine Park

Veterinary and Phytosanitary Regulation Division (VRD) VFHX+553, Marsa, Malta

 Join us outside of the Veterinary and Phytosanitary Regulation Division at 10:30am on Saturday, the 22nd of October, in a press conference where we will be demanding the closure and the revoking of the license of the Mediterraneo Marine Park, in order to end the capturing, training and mistreatment of dolphins, which ultimately led to […]


Intersex – Documentary Screening

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

For Intersex Awareness Day, we will be having a special screening of Régine Abadia's documentary 'Intersex'. Trailer: 'Ever since Vincent Guillot found out, late in his adult life, a word that could define him – intersex -, he has tried to connect with others like him to understand his own nature. Among them, Ins A […]


Żfin Halloween – Rebels Hit the Dancefloor

Maori Bar Boat Street, Valletta, Malta

 Join us on Sunday 30th October at 6pm for some fright night fun at Maori, Valletta  Spook my dance up  DJs Martina and Lara will be playing some funky tunes for the spooky season. What kind of music could you expect? The kind that sets you right in the mood for a happy Halloween dance. […]
