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Malta Mhux Għall-Bejgħ!

Monument of Manuel Dimech Castille Square, Valletta, Malta

 Ingħaqdu magħna hekk kif se nkunu qegħdin insejħu lill-gvern biex jieħu azzjoni b’saħħitha, fil-kuntest tas-sentenza monumentali li ngħatat mill-qorti kontra l-privatizzazzjoni tat-tliet sptarijiet tal-gvern.  Is-sentenza, li annulat il-ftehimiet tal-mistħija, li wasslu biex tliet sptarijiet tal-istat jaqgħu f’idejn il-privat, ikkonfermat dak li ħafna kienu ilhom jafu - li aħna, il-pubbliku, qarrqu bina, iffrodawna u litteralment serquna […]


Playing for Justice – Free the El Hiblu 3

Law Courts VGX6+9RQ, Republic Street, Valletta, Malta

Join us to celebrate the El Hiblu 3 and demand that the Maltese authorities drop the charges against them! Short speeches will be followed by live music from members of ManaTapu! 11am, Sat, 25 March 2023 in front of Valletta Law Courts.


Exhibition ‘Like Flour’ – Testimonies from Detention during the Pandemic

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 ‘Like Flour’ is a project spearheaded by photojournalist Joanna Demarco. The project navigates the experiences of people who were detained in Malta’s migrant detention centres during the pandemic, questioning and shining a light on the ways in which the inhumane treatment of one of Malta’s most vulnerable communities became worse throughout that period.  Through testimonies, […]


Vilel f’Kemmuna – X’ma Jridux Juruk il-Hili Group

Mediterranean Conference Centre Dar il-Mediterran, St Elmo Place, Valletta, Malta

Vilel f’Kemmuna: x’ma jridux juruk il-Hili Group  Nistednukom għal laqgħa ta’ informazzjoni dwar il-proposta ta’ Hili Group għal vilel u lukanda f’Kemmuna, nhar is-Sibt 22 t’April fl-10.30am, barra Dar il-Mediterran għall-Konferenzi (MCC) fil-Belt Valletta.  F’dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat, Hili Group intensifikaw il-kampanja ta’ relazzjonijiet pubbliċi sabiex jippruvaw itaffu r-rabja tal-poplu lejn il-proġett tagħhom f’Kemmuna. Dan għamluh […]


Lesbian Visibility Evening – Community Discussion and Short Documentary Screening

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 For Lesbian Visibility Day, MGRM and Moviment Graffitti are teaming up for a screening of the 30 minute long documentary 'Marielle & Monica' and a community discussion.  The documentary follows Monica Benicio's involvement in the campaign opposing Brazil's former far-right president Jair Bolsanaro, 7 months after the assassination of her partner and fellow human rights […]


Studenti Graffitti Goes Tipsy Tombla

The Anvil Pub Triq L. Apap, St Julians, Malta

 Join us for a night of laughs, drinks and bingo at The Anvil Pub!  Every line gets a free shot, every house gets a free drink and a twist revealed on the day will give you the chance to win a tote bag filled with goodies. You won’t want to miss it!  Sign up for […]


Workers’ Day Film Screening – The Good Boss

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 On the 1st May, we are holding an event at our premises in Valletta to celebrate Workers’ Day and remember the past and current struggles of workers in an exploitative system.  We will be screening the Fernando León de Aranoa film ‘The Good Boss’ (El Buen Patrón – 2021) about a charismatic and manipulative factory […]


Empty the Tanks!

Mediterraneo Marine Park WFQ5+M2, Tul il-Kosta, Naxxar, Malta

 Join us outside the Mediterraneo Marine Park on Saturday 13th May at 10:30 am, in a demonstration on the occasion of global Empty The Tanks Day.  Animal Liberation and Moviment Graffitti will be again demanding the revocation of Mediterraneo Marine Park’s zoo licence, echoing the worldwide call to empty the tanks. 3 dolphins died in […]


IDAHOBIT – Quizzes and Games

Maori Bar Boat Street, Valletta, Malta

 Wednesday the 17th of May is the international day against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia - IDAHOBIT. This is the day when we celebrate gender and sexual diversity. It is also the day when we remember that although in an increasing number of countries, the LGBTIQ+ community is enjoying more rights, millions in different parts of […]


Konferenza Stampa – Il-Bidla li Rridu fl-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar

Planning Authority St Francis Ravelin, Floriana, Malta

 Ġimgħa qabel il-protesta nazzjonali Xebbajtuna! tas-27 ta’ Mejju, rappreżentanti ta’ komunitajiet u għaqdiet ser jindirizzaw Konferenza Stampa quddiem l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar sabiex jispjegaw il-bidla urġenti li hawn bżonn fil-politiki tal-ippjanar, fl-awtoritajiet responsabbli mill-ambjent u l-ippjanar u fil-mudell ekonomiku ta’ pajjiżna. Inħeġġukom tingħaqdu magħna f’din il-Konferenza Stampa. Narawkom ******  A week before the national protest Xebbajtuna! […]


Xebbajtuna! Make Placards with Us

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 Join us this Thursday 25th for placard-making in preparation for Saturday's National Protest ‘Xebbajtuna! Bidla fl-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar ISSA!'  It's time to unleash your creativity and make a powerful statement as we gear up to take part in the collective roar for change at the upcoming national protest.  Our premises at 67, Strait Street, Valletta […]


Xebbajtuna! Bidla fl-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar ISSA! – Protesta Nazzjonali

Triton Fountain Vjal Nelson, Valletta, Malta

 Għaqdiet ambjentali qegħdin isejħu lill-pubbliku sabiex jipparteċipa fi protesta nazzjonali l-Belt Valletta nhar is-Sibt 27 ta’ Mejju. Il-protesta ser tibda fl-10.30 am minn ħdejn il-Funtana tat-Tritoni.  Il-gruppi kollha, formali u informali, madwar Malta u Għawdex, jistgħu jappoġġjaw din il-protesta billi jikkuntattjawna fuq jew jimlew il-formola fuq dan is-sit Dawn il-gruppi jistgħu jinkludu għaqdiet mhux […]
