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Open Mic Pride Night!

Maori Bar Boat Street, Valletta, Malta

What better way to end a week of pride events than with an open mic? This Open Mic has a queer theme and anyone can participate, in any language. People interested to present should be there at 4.40pm to grab a spot. There are 15 spots of 8 minutes each with the possibility of opening […]


PA Board Meeting – Do Not Bury Us Alive

San George Preca College, Secondary School (Liċeo) VFRQ+58, Triq Wenzu Mallia, Ħamrun, Malta

The Planning Authority (PA) Board will, on Thursday 20th September, at 10am, discuss the proposed db Group development on the ITS site and decide whether to issue a permit or otherwise. The Board meeting is open to the public and it is essential that people attend in order to express their objection to this madness. […]


Screening of Vera Drake

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

On International Safe Abortion Day the group 8th March 365 is proposing an activity to continue to discuss and rise awareness about women's reproductive rights. We will screen the movie Vera Drake and we will give an overview about reproductive rights worldwide. Vera Drake is a 2004 British film written and directed by Mike Leigh. […]


ReLeaf Meetup

Ġugar - Hangout & Bar 89 Republic Street, Valletta, Malta

It's the holiday every smoker is waiting on. Come and celebrate 4/20 with Malta's cannabis community at the first official 4/20 ReLeaf Meet-Up Enjoy the company of the Maltese cannabis community while chilling out in one of the coolest hangouts in Valletta. Meet the people who are pushing for cannabis legalisation in Malta, as well […]


Movie and Social Event – Trans* Awareness Week 2018

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

Join us on the 6th of November for our first event for this year's Trans* Awareness Week! We'll be watching Major, a 2015 documentary film exploring the life and campaigns of Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, a formerly incarcerated Black transgender elder and activist who has been fighting for the rights of trans women of color for […]


Corinthia Discussion in Parliament Environment Committee

Parliament House VGW5+CVM, Republic Street, Valletta

On Monday 4th February at 2pm, the Parliamentary Standing Committee responsible for the Environment and Development Planning will discuss the proposed Corinthia deal. The public is encouraged to attend this meeting. Please bring your ID Card with you as it is needed to access Parliament building. This discussion is being held following a request by […]


Screening of ‘Made in Dagenham’

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

On the eve of International Women's Day, Moviment Graffitti invites you to the screening of the movie 'Made in Dagehnam', followed by a discussion, drinks and nibbles. Everyone is welcome. Free entry. 'Made in Dagenham' is a 2010 British movie directed by Nigel Cole. The movie tells the true story of the Ford sewing machinists' […]


Mistoqsijiet Dwar il-Mina – Konferenza Stampa

Parliament House VGW5+CVM, Republic Street, Valletta

Several organisations will hold a Press Conference to state that an informed discussion about the Malta-Gozo tunnel has yet to start. Whilst fully acknowledging the need to address mobility challenges experienced by Gozitan workers and students, there is currently a total lack of studies and information on the utility and impacts of the tunnel. Indeed, […]


Open Mic at Assedju PA

Planning Authority St Francis Ravelin, Floriana, Malta

Bħala parti mill-azzjoni li qiegħda issir fil-bini tal-PA ġewwa l-Furjana, sabiex tiġi implimentata mill-aktar fis ir-reviżjoni tal-policy li attwalment tippermetti applikazzjonijiet għal pompi tal-petrol f’żoni ODZ, se nkunu qiegħdin norganizzaw Open Mic miftuħ għal kulħadd. Nistiednu lill-kittieba, il-poeti u kulmin hu interessat li jaqsam magħna storja, poeżija jew ħsibijiet żgħar fir-rigward tas-sitwazzjoni attwali ta’ bini […]


Tombla Sulari at Assedju PA

Planning Authority St Francis Ravelin, Floriana, Malta

Irbaħ mal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar! Avveniment għall-familja kollha mill-Moviment Graffitti bil-parteċipazzjoni storika tal-Awtorità għall-Ippjanar, bħala parti minn Assedju PA. Għada s-Sibt, mit-3 ta’ waranofsinhar ‘il quddiem, se norganizzaw “Tombla Sulari.” Tombla bħal dik li ssir il-każin iżda b’regoli differenti li jistgħu saħansitra jinbidlu biex jiffavorixxu lil xi ħadd li jogħġobna aktar minnek – eżatt kif jagħmel il-Bord […]


Street PA-rty

Planning Authority St Francis Ravelin, Floriana, Malta

Calling all youth out there - the young, the young at heart and the not so young. You are invited to join us in a impromptu street party on Saturday 30th March in front of the PA entrance right where we are camped. Those who don't feel like dancing can come and hang out and […]


Konferenza Stampa mill-NGOs at Assedju PA

Planning Authority St Francis Ravelin, Floriana, Malta

Nhar il-Ħadd 31 ta’ Marzu fit-3pm numru ta’ għaqdiet se jkunu qed jindirizzaw l-istampa mill-kamp Assedju PA. Huma se jitkellmu dwar il-bżonn li reviżjoni tal-policy dwar il-pompi tal-petrol tiġi ppublikata immedjatament. Il-pubbliku huwa mħeġġeġ jattendi. Wara l-Konferenza Stampa se jkun hawn ftit mużika, u kulħadd huwa mistieden jibqa’ hawn magħna. Narawkom! ********************** This Sunday 31st […]
