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Konferenza Stampa mill-NGOs at Assedju PA

Planning Authority St Francis Ravelin, Floriana, Malta

Nhar il-Ħadd 31 ta’ Marzu fit-3pm numru ta’ għaqdiet se jkunu qed jindirizzaw l-istampa mill-kamp Assedju PA. Huma se jitkellmu dwar il-bżonn li reviżjoni tal-policy dwar il-pompi tal-petrol tiġi ppublikata immedjatament. Il-pubbliku huwa mħeġġeġ jattendi. Wara l-Konferenza Stampa se jkun hawn ftit mużika, u kulħadd huwa mistieden jibqa’ hawn magħna. Narawkom! ********************** This Sunday 31st […]


Rock ‘n’ Roll at Assedju PA

Planning Authority St Francis Ravelin, Floriana, Malta

There's sunshine and a good vibe going on right now at Assedju PA! Come hangout with us and get to know what we're all about. Wayne Flask will be putting on some good tunes to enjoy on this sunny afternoon.


Screening of ‘The Culture High’

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

Join us on Sat 20 April, the unofficial cannabis holiday, where we will be screening the film 'The Culture High', a documentary on everything weed-related in terms of legislation, it's use in the medicinal field, and everything else in between. The film will be followed up by a short presentation on the current situation in […]


Laying of flowers in memory of Lassana

Memorial to Lassana Cisse Triq tal-Ġebel, Birżebbuġa, Malta

On the evening of the 6th April, Lassana Cisse Souleymane was murdered in Hal Far. Two other men were also victims in this attack. Lassana’s life mattered. He mattered to his family, to his friends, and he mattered to us. Such brutal acts of violence cannot and must not be ignored or silenced. Together, we […]


Celebrating Workers’ Day

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

Join us on the eve of Workers' Day as we celebrate this important day, with the film screening of Norma Rae, based on a true story of a woman who fights for the rights of workers at her workplace. The film's narrative follows Norma Rae, a factory worker from a small town in North Carolina […]


Verses for Choice

Maori Bar Boat Street, Valletta, Malta

As a member of the coalition Voice for Choice - L-għażla tagħha, Moviment Graffitti is organizing an Open Mic at Maori bar where verses with the theme of freedom of choice and bodily autonomy will be read. Everyone is welcome to participate by reading poems, prose, personal stories, songs or any writings and thoughts on […]


United in Football

St. Paul's Missionary College 34 Triq Emanuele Vitale, Rabat, Malta

This is an event for everyone! Moviment Graffitti is organising an anti-racism football tournament organizer and children's activities during the day! 16 teams will compete against each other and the winning team will get a trophy. There will also be activities for children. The schedule is as follows: 10am - 4pm: Football tournament 11am - […]


Down with the Developers’ Dictatorship // Kontra l-Ħakma tal-Iżviluppaturi

St. Luke's Hospital VFVW+P5, Telgħet Gwardamanġa, Pietà, Malta

Following the serious building collapses that have happened around the island as a result of construction works, Moviment Graffitti is organising a protest in front of the MDA offices this Tuesday, 18th June. The protest will kick off from St Luke’s Hospital at 6pm, followed by a short walk in front of the Malta Developers […]


BBQ For Victory

Madliena Tower Triq Martin Luther King, Pembrok, Malta

The Courts of Law have sensationally declared that the PA permit for Silvio Debono’s monster is “null and void”. We know the fight doesn’t stop here, but we do have a reason to celebrate this historic courtroom victory. This wouldn’t have been possible without the efforts of the residents who have given a very important […]


Housing for All

Parliament House VGW5+CVM, Republic Street, Valletta

SOS Malta, together with non-profits and civil society organisations in Malta and across the European Union is participating in the European Citizens Initiative 'Housing for All'. The aim of this initiative is to "bring about better legal and financial framework conditions to facilitate access to housing for everyone in Europe" Changes in Malta's society as […]


PA Meeting on the Central Link Project

Planning Authority St Francis Ravelin, Floriana, Malta

It is in the interest of all residents of Attard to attend this meeting. This project shall neither reduce traffic nor pollution, but actually increase it due to induced demand, a phenomenon that has been stated and accepted by Transport Malta itself. This project shall destroy over 48,000 metres squared of agriculture land (the size […]


Forum Pubbliku – Il-Proposti Tiegħek

Friends of the Earth (Malta) Premises Friends of the Earth Malta, Xatt iċ-Ċangatura, Floriana, Malta

Qabel il-protesta tas-7 ta’ Settembru (Iż-Żejjed Kollu Żejjed - Protesta), il-forum pubbliku “Il-Proposti Tiegħek” jixtieq jiġbor u jagħti spazju lill-opinjonijiet u l-proposti taċ-ċittadini stess, speċjalment dawk marbutin mal-oqsma li huma l-qafas tas-sitt talbiet tagħna: Il-policies dwar l-Ippjanar u n-nuqqas ta’ kunsiderazzjoni lejn iċ-ċittadini; L-Awtoritajiet responsabbli mill-ambjent u l-ippjanar; Il-proġetti ta’ kostruzzjoni fuq skala kbira; It-toroq […]
