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If I speak – A Tunisian Documentary

University of Malta L-Università ta' Malta, Msida, Malta

MGRM and Moviment Graffitti will be screening a Tunisian documentary about gay people in Tunisia. Gay people face several challenges in Tunisia as the documentary will show. After the documentary, gay activist and asylum seeker Dali Agrebi, will recount his story as a gay man in Tunisia and as an asylum seeker in Malta. Agrebi […]


Moviment Graffitti ‘Meet and Greet’ fl-Università

University of Malta L-Università ta' Malta, Msida, Malta

Moviment Graffitti 'Meet and Greet' fl-Università (EN version below) Studenti MG - il-grupp studentesk tal-Moviment Graffitti - qiegħda torganizza Meet and Greet għas-sena skolastika li ġejja fl-Università. L-attività hi miftuħa għal kulħadd, u speċjalment għal studenti li jixtiequ jsiru jafu iktar dwar xogħlna. Entużjasti niltaqgħu ma’ studenti oħra li jinteressahom l-attiviżmu u jixtiequ jkunu parti […]


Konferenza Stampa – Il-Bajja tal-Balluta Mhedda

Balluta Bay St Julians, Malta

Balluta Bay is under threat from an application submitted to the Planning Authority to transform it into a berthing place for Fortina’s private ferry. Basically, Balluta Bay would suffer the same fate as the Ferries in Sliema, where this same company took over the largest part of the shore for its private ferries. Thus, we […]


Screening // Dibattitu – R/Evoluzzjoni – 25 Sena ta’ Attiviżmu

KSU Common Room University of Malta, Msida, Malta

Screening // Dibattitu R/Evoluzzjoni - 25 Sena ta’ Attiviżmu - Moviment Graffitti L-Università - KSU Common Room Nhar l-Erbgħa, 27 ta’ Novembru waqt id-Degree+ fin-12:30pm, Studenti MG ħa juru d-dokumentarju dwar l-istorja tal-Moviment Graffitti f’għeluq il-25 sena mit-twaqqif tal-moviment. Wara ħa ssir diskussjoni dwar l-attiviżmu studentesk fil-kuntest lokali, speċjalment fl-Università ta’ Malta. Il-kelliema se jkunu […]


Politika Nadifa, Soċjetà Ġusta

Monument of Manuel Dimech Castille Square, Valletta, Malta

The state of our nation requires not only resignations, but also sobriety and radical change: Malta cannot remain hostage to the business class. As leftist individuals and organisations, we are meeting in front of Manuel Dimech’s monument in Castille Square to express our anger at what’s going on around us. During this initiative, we will […]


Planning a Year of Activism

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

On Saturday 25th January at 6pm we will be holding an informal meeting with our members and with the public during which we will take a look at our work during 2019 and discuss our plans for this year. This initiative will also serve as the Annual General Meeting of Moviment Graffitti. However, for this […]


Screening of Binxet – Under the Border

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

Moviment Graffitti invites you the screening of the 2017 documentary 'Binxet - Under the Border'. This is an occasion to enjoy a film night together while learning more about the region of Rojava, its recent history and what has been happening there. The film describes the 911 km border between Turkey and Rojava and the […]


Il-Bajja tal-Balluta Mhedda // Deċiżjoni

Planning Authority St Francis Ravelin, Floriana, Malta

BALLUTA BAY UNDER THREAT – PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The decision on the application for Fortina’s private ferry in Balluta Bay will be taken on Monday 3rd February at 9:30am, during a Planning Commission meeting at the PA Boardroom. The public is encouraged to attend this meeting in order to voice its opposition to this project. […]


Standing Up For Palestine

Parliament Square Valletta City Gate, Valletta, Malta

In view of the recently-announced “peace plan” by US President Donald Trump, the Palestinian community in Malta together with Moviment Graffitti will be holding a Press Conference to provide updates about the situation in Palestine and outline the reasons why the so-called “deal of the century” is profoundly unjust and completely unacceptable. The public is […]


R/Evoluzzjoni25 – 25 Sena Storja tal-Moviment Graffitti

Spazju Kreattiv Cinema Spazju Kreattiv, Valletta, Malta

It's 1994. A group of University students band together to form Moviment Graffitti, a leftist movement "against the oppression and exploitation of people, the environment and animals, with a vision of freedom and radical democracy". Very soon, they will be taking on the development of a golf course on agricultural land and the Hilton towers […]


The Help – Film Night

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

Moviment Graffitti invites you to the screening of “The Help”, a 2011 film directed by Tate Taylor and adapted from Kathryn Stockett's 2009 novel. The film takes place in the 1960s in the US, when the civil rights movement was rising but black people were still facing abhorrent racial discrimination in all aspects of their […]


Protesta Kontra l-Ħakma tal-Iżviluppaturi

St. Thomas More College Triq Joseph Abela Scolaro, Ħamrun, Malta

Following the death of Miriam Pace in a tragedy caused by yet another act of carelessness by the development lobby, Moviment Graffitti is calling for a non-partisan protest against the unsustainable situation in which our country finds itself. Residents and citizens are held hostage by a group of developers who consider themselves above the law […]
