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Christmas with Comrades

Lija Boċċi Clubhouse Lija Playground, Lija, Malta

Come join us for a fun, Christmas party where we will party all night long!   Entry is free and drinks along with some snacks will be served at the bar.  A max of 70 guests will be allowed so book soon to party with comrades this Christmas  A few surprises await you too... Keep your […]


Malta u l-Palestina – Storja ta’ solidarjetà minn fomm in-nies


“I feel that Maltese people understand us more. When I speak to them about Palestine I feel like I’m talking to people who really understand suffering.” Malta and Palestine share a close history. Having both been occupied by other nations, the two countries know the value of independence and sovereignty. This solidarity takes different forms. […]


Demonstration – Għejejna u Xbajna

Police Headquarters St. Calcedonius Square, Floriana, Malta

 Join us on Saturday 22nd January for a demonstration in front of the police HQ at 11 am.  By this demonstration, we will be expressing our anger at the insensitivity and the lack of knowledge shown by the Malta Police Force towards gender-based violence that at its extreme culminates in femicide. Our demands are:  More […]


Baħar Ċimiterju

Gardjola Gardens VGR7+4PJ, Senglea, Malta

 Join us in commemorating people who have died, gone missing or become victims of enforced disappearance on their journey across the world's borders.  We are meeting at the Gardjola Gardens this Sunday at 11 am.  Bring flowers or candles.  This event is one of many taking place across the world to mark the Global day […]


Konferenza Stampa – L-Iskalin Tkellmu. Se Tisimgħu?

Marsaskala Playground VH76+7QQ, Marsaskala, Malta

L-ISKALIN TKELLMUSE TISIMGĦU  Se niltaqgħu nhar is-Sibt fl-10:30am ġewwa Wied il-Għajn sabiex inħabbru żviluppi importanti fil-kwistjoni tal-yacht marina fil-bajja tal-lokalità.  Wara l-laqgħa bejn il-Kunsill Lokali ta’ Wied il-Għajn u l-Ministru Ian Borg f’Jannar, il-Kunsill Lokali reġa’ ltaqa’ u kkonferma unanimament il-mozzjoni li kien ħa f’Awwissu kontra l-konċessjoni ta’ Yacht Marina.  Il-mozzjoni tgħid hekk: “Il-Kunsill ta’ […]


You say fair, we say UNFAIR – Discussion // Int Tgħid Ġusta, Aħna Ngħidu INĠUSTA – Diskussjoni


Closing off our 12 day campaign we will be holding an online discussion, showcasing the realities faced by LGBTIQ+ migrants in Malta. Dr. Angele Deguara will be moderating the panel consisting of Dr.Neil Falzon (aditus), Dr.Maria Pisani (Integra), Mohamed Ali Aguerbi & Drissa Koniba Diarra. ****** Biex intemmu l-kampanja ta 12-il ġurnata, ser intellgħu diskussjoni […]


Studenti Graffitti Film Night – Persepolis

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

Join us for another Film Night at the Moviment Graffitti Premises on Saturday 26th February. Doors open at 6pm, while the film starts at 6.30pm. We will be screening the film 'Persepolis' (2007), based on the beautifully animated biographical graphic novel of Marjane Satrapi who recounts her life in pre and post-revolutionary Iran and then […]


Konferenza Stampa – Save Wied Żnuber

Misraħ il-Knisja, Birżebbuġa Birżebbuġa Parish Church, Birżebbuġa, Malta

 Residenti ta’ Birżebbuġa flimkien ma’ diversi għaqdiet qegħdin isejħu Konferenza Stampa għal nhar is-Sibt 5 ta’ Marzu fl-10:30, ġewwa l-pjazza tal-knisja ta’ Birżebbuġa, sabiex jispjegaw l-oppożizzjoni tagħhom għal proġett enormi fiż-żona ta’ Wied Żnuber.  Wied Żnuber jinsab mhedded minn proġett ta’ airstrip għall-mudelli tal-ajruplani li se jinvolvi radam estensiv tax-xagħri, strippa twila ta’ tarmak, bini […]


DIMOSTRAZZJONI – Jum il-Mara Kuljum – Mill-Kliem Għall-Fatti

Triton Fountain Vjal Nelson, Valletta, Malta

 Moviment Graffitti, Young Progressive Beings, Women's Rights Foundation u Doctors for Choice qed jistiednu lil kulħadd għall-Marċ tal-Jum Internazzjonali tal-Mara li se jsir nhar il-Ħadd 6 ta' Marzu, il-Belt. Niltaqgħu fejn il-Funtana tat-Tritoni fil-11.00 a.m. Wara l-Marċ se jkun hemm ftit diskorsi u kanzunetti. L-attività semmejniha “Jum il-Mara Kuljum: Mill-kliem għall-fatti” biex nisħqu fuq il-ħtieġa […]


Women’s Day – Movie and Drinks

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 On the occasion of International Women's Day 2022, Moviment Graffitti is inviting you to a movie screening, The Glorias, and afterwards for a drink together at our premises in Valletta.  Moviment Graffitti is also organizing a march on Sunday 6th of March: However, we would like to spend the 8th of March itself with those […]

Protest – Save Wied Żnuber

Misraħ il-Knisja, Birżebbuġa Birżebbuġa Parish Church, Birżebbuġa, Malta

 Minħabba tbassir ta’ riefnu, ser ikollna nħassru l-mixja tas-Sibt 19 ta‘ Marzu fiż-żona ta’ Wied Żnuber fejn hemm pjanat il-mitjar minjatura. Iżda xorta waħda nħossu l-ħtieġa li fil-ġranet li ġejjin tintwera l-imħabba tan-nies għal dan il-post u l-oppożizzjoni tagħhom għall-pjan tal-mitjar.  Għalhekk, minflok il-mixja, ser niltaqgħu nhar it-Tlieta 22 ta’ Marzu fis-6pm fil-pjazza tal-knisja ta’ […]


Annual General Meeting 2022

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

 Moviment Graffitti invites all members and the general public to our AGM on the 23rd of March at 6.30pm, taking place at our premises at 67, Strait Street, Valletta.  This meeting will take around an hour and a half, where we will present the administration status of our organisation, review activities we have carried out […]
