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For Rafah, For Palestine

Parliament Square Valletta City Gate, Valletta, Malta

Enough is enough. Following the recent genocidal events in Rafah and the lack of measures taken to combat the on-going massacre, we need to unite again and address our concerns. Let us use our voice and chant against the need for immediate action and the end to this GENOCIDE. Let us use our voice and […]


Konferenza Stampa – Agħtuna Lura Pjazza San Ġorġ

Pjazza San Ġorġ (Ir-Rabat, Għawdex) 26VQ+MJQ, Victoria (Gozo), Malta

Pjazza San Ġorġ fir-Rabat, Għawdex tinsab invażata mill-imwejjed u s-siġġijiet tal-istabbilimenti kummerċjali. Il-pjazza tinsab tant okkupata li mhux biss l-aċċess pubbliku qed jiġi ostakolat, imma saħansitra anki okkażjonijiet bħal tiġijiet u funerali qed jiġu mxekkla. Fi kliem l-Arċipriet tal-Bażilika ta’ San Ġorġ, “is-sitwazzjoni issa waslet fix-xifer”. Nhar is-Sibt, 15 ta’ Ġunju fil-11am, se nkunu qed […]


FemiFest: Beach Edition

Ġnejna Bay W8CV+5PW Triq il-Ġnejna, Mġarr, Malta

Join us for our FemiFest: Beach Edition! We will be having various events, and you’re welcome to join for the whole FemiFest or drop in for your preferred activities! Alternatively, you can simply join for the community beach day without taking part in any of the activities. Programme of events: 4-6pm: Swimming, lounging & beach […]


Short Film Screening – In Vitro

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

Join us for a Refugee Week Malta exclusive screening of Larissa Sansour's critically acclaimed short film, "In Vitro," a poignant exploration of memory, loss, inherited trauma and the future in a post-apocalyptic world. "In Vitro" is set in the aftermath of an environmental disaster that has left the city of Bethlehem in ruins. The film […]


Diskussjoni: L-inugwaljanza fit-tqassim tal-ġid f’Malta

Moviment Graffitti Premises 67, Strait Street, Valletta, Malta

WEALTH INEQUALITY IN MALTA Join us on Thursday 27th of June for a discussion on Wealth Inequality in Malta. A panel will be approaching the subject from the economic, social and workers’ union perspectives and will be made up of Andre Callus (Moviment Graffitti activist), Matthew Attard (Solidarjetà union) and Josephine Mallia (lecturer at the Junior […]


Conference: Malti ta’ Malta

Valletta Design Cluster 25 Bull Street, Valletta, Malta

If you are interested in attending, please complete this registration form here: Although no precise statistics exist, it is estimated that a few hundred stateless individuals reside in Malta, lacking the rights and privileges of any nationality. A significant proportion of these individuals are children, some born in Malta to stateless parents, some born at […]


Freedom Flotilla Coalition in Malta – Press Conference

Bezzina Shipyards VGJ3+2J, Marsa, Malta

After more than one year and three months sailing through European ports, the boat “Handala” docked in Malta yesterday as it sails towards Gaza. Today we are joining the Gaza Freedom Flotilla Coalition in a heartfelt call for an end to the genocide, an end to the siege and occupation, and justice for the Palestinian […]


Konferenza Stampa: Irridu Diċenza Bażika fl-Ippjanar Issa

Castille Square VGW6+88F, Valletta, Malta

Following the recent obscenity which saw the Planning Authority defying Court rulings and sanctioning illegal developments in Sannat, a number of NGOs are calling a Press Conference in front of Castille to demand urgent and decisive action to restore the rule of law in our country. On Saturday, 31st August, we shall be meeting in […]


Release the Five – Their Place Is With Us In the Community

Safi Detention Centre Triq Carmelo Caruana, Safi, Malta

Five men are currently detained at the Safi Detention Centre following government raids on Malta’s well-established Ethiopian community. For the better part of two decades these men have built their lives here, working legally, paying social security and taxes, and contributing to our economy. They developed a network of friends, family, and colleagues and are […]


WomenSpace 2024

Tigullio Spinola Bay, Triq Mikiel Anġ Borġ, San Ġiljan, Malta

Join us for this year's edition of WomenSpace, a music & arts festival organised annually by MGRM since 2004 as part of the Malta Pride week celebrations. It is a safe space for female, trans-feminine and non-binary persons to celebrate the bonds that bring us together and raise awareness on various issues through music and […]


FemiFest: Queer Edition 2.0

Tigné Point Rocky Beach WG47+727, Tas-Sliema, Malta

Women, non-binary and trans persons are invited to join us for another FemiFest: Queer Edition as part of our Pride Week events! Programme of events:4 - 5 pm: Swimming, lounging & beach games5 - 6:30 pm: Pride-themed bracelet-making workshop7 pm: Community discussion on pinkwashing and queer women8 pm: Music, dancing and socialising! You’re welcome to […]


Quiz Night – Queer Quips

The Hoppy Hare Pub 37, Triq il-Kostituzzjoni, Mosta, Malta

Join us for a quiz night of spooky fun and queer music on Friday the 13th! As part of our Pride Week activities, get ready to dance the night away to the hottest queer beats, enjoy creepy cocktails, and show off your most creepy, kampy and queer costumes. We will be awarding prizes for the […]
