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Ġustizzja mal-Ħaddiema – Konferenza Stampa

1 May @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am


Is-sistema ekonomika Maltija hija mibnija fuq l-isfruttament tal-ħaddiema. It-tkabbir ekonomiku ta’ dawn l-aħħar snin kellu jtejjeb il-kwalita’ tal-ħajja tal-ħaddiema. Minflok, qegħdin f’sitwazzjoni fejn ħafna jgħixu fuq pagi baxxi, jaħdmu bil-prekarjat, u f’kundizzjonijiet ħżiena. Għalhekk nemmnu li għandna nimxu lejn mudell ekonomiku mibni fuq il-ġustizzja soċjali.

Nhar l-Erbgħa l-1 ta’ Mejju nistidnukom għal konferenza stampa sabiex inniedul-kampanja Ġustizzja mal-Ħaddiema. Se niltaqgħu ħdejn il-monument ta’ Manwel Dimech fil-pjazza ta’ quddiem Kastilja, il-Belt Valletta.

F’din il-konferenza stampa msejħa mill-Moviment Graffitti, flimkien ma’ numru t’organizzazzjonijiet oħra, se nippreżentaw id-dokument li fassalna sabiex inkunu nistgħu nimxu lejn sistema ekonomika mibnija fuq il-ġustizzja soċjali. Se nkunu qed nelenkaw numru ta’ problemi li l-ekonomija Maltija qed taffaċċja u l-inġustizzji li ġġib magħha għal faxxa wiesgħa ta’ ħaddiema. Nemmnu li hemm soluzzjonijiet u tibdiliet li għandhom isiru minnufih sabiex neqirdu din l-ekonomija mibnija fuq il-prekarjat, il-qerda tal-ambjent, il-pagi baxxi u l-sfruttament tal-ħaddiema biex igawdu l-ftit.

Inħeġġukom biex tmexxu l-kelma ma’ ħaddiema oħra li qegħdin jaffaċċjaw sfidi simili. Irridu nsaħħu l-vuċi kollettiva tal-ħaddiema favur id-drittijiet u l-għajxien tagħhom!


Justice for Workers – Press Conference on Workers’ Day

The Maltese economic system is built on worker exploitation. The economic growth of the past years should have improved the quality of life of workers. Instead, we are in a situation where many workers have to make do with low wages, work precariously, and in bad conditions. We believe that we should shift to an economic model based on social justice.

On Wednesday 1st May we invite you to a press conference which will launch the campaign Justice for Workers. We will be meeting near the Manwel Dimech monument in Castille Square, Valletta.

During the press conference, organised by Moviment Graffitti together with several other organisations, we will present the document we have written, outlining how we can shift towards an economic system based on social justice. We will be listing a number of problems in the Maltese economic system and the injustices that a wide range of workers have to face because of them. We believe that there are solutions and changes that should be implemented without delay in order to destroy this economic system based on precarity, environmental destruction, low wages and worker exploitation which only benefits the few.

We encourage you to spread the word with other workers who are facing similar challenges. We want to strengthen the collective voice of workers for their rights and livelihood!


1 May
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Event Categories:


Moviment Graffitti


Monument of Manuel Dimech
Castille Square
Valletta, Malta