Moviment Graffitti is a left-wing Maltese organisation set up in 1994. It is active against the oppression and exploitation of people, the environment and animals; with a vision of freedom and radical democracy. We work on a number of issues affecting our lives and we strive to bring positive change by fighting for justice and equality. This is done in a number of ways: we carry out direct actions, organise protests and gatherings, build coalitions between different social forces and hold awareness-raising initiatives such as film-nights, talks and discussions.
Moviment Graffitti is autonomous from any economic power or political party, but it regularly collaborates with other organisations that share its beliefs on specific issues. There are no hierarchies in the organisation, and everybody’s voice is equal.
We always welcome new members. Join Us as an Activist or Supporting Member, or Contact Us.
Moviment Graffitti welcomes Minister for Tourism Ian Borg’s expressed intentions to curb the commercial activities on Comino and the Blue...
Joint Press Statement 15.02.2025 Today the Coalition for Gozo, together with Moviment Graffitti and Din l-Art Ħelwa, carried out a...
The Coalition for Gozo, with the backing of environment and heritage NGOs and hundreds of citizens, among whom eminent academics,...
Moviment Graffitti alongside residents’ groups Għaqda Storja u Kultura Birżebbuġa and Marsaxlokk Heritage express serious concern over proposal PC/00022/23, submitted...
Moviment Graffitti strongly condemns the Planning Authority’s (PA) ongoing refusal to publish the identities of public officers preparing key reports,...
Several organisations have called on the Foreign Minister, Dr Ian Borg, to take a clear stance in support of the...
Ingħaqdu magħna għal marċ il-Belt Valletta, fl-okkażjoni ta’ Jum il-Mara. Ejjew u ħeġġu lil nisa oħra, ħbieb oltre mill-ġeneru, u...
Join us for another screening leading up to International Women’s Day on the 8th of March. ‘Sisters’ is a 2023...
Leading up for International Women’s Day on the 8th of March, our free queer film screening of this modern classic!...
Come make placards with us as we gear up to the 2025 Women’s Day March – Kull Mara, Kuljum, Kullimkien....
Get ready for a cozy evening filled with creativity at our Needlework and Craft Hangout! Whatever needlework or craft you...
Is-saga tal-Forti Chambray, li ilha sejra għal aktar minn 30 sena, dejjem kienet ikkaratterizzata minn għadd ta’ kontroversji u deċiżjonijiet...